Chapter 1- Emergence

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4 Scientists are in a lab. Dr. Derrick Jones, Dr. Donny "Pitch" Castro, Dr. David Dunham, and Dr. Adam Headhunter are there. 

Distant shrieks are heard from the distance. 

Donny: I've never hated lab work with a bigger passion. 

David: Don't let that distract you, keep going. 

Donny is trying to put the trigger piece on the BFG, but the screaming let's the piece slip to the floor. 

Donny: Oh my gosh...

Donny goes to pick the piece up, but a dead body flies to the lab window! It's split in half! 

David: Donny-o! HURRY! 

Donny: I'm trying! 

Sudden crawling is heard from the vents surrounding the inside of the room. 

Derrick: In the vents! 

Derrick takes out his combat rifle and aims it at the vents. David and Adam do the same. 

Adam: First move? 

Derrick: Shoot like your life depends on it....

Adam is suddenly blown to smitherens! Smoke fills the room, while something seems to have got in the room! 

Derrick: Everyone stay calm! 

The creature grabs Derrick by the throat, and digs in with his claws, killing Derrick. 

David: Derrick! No! 

David starts shooting bullet after bullet at the creature, but the creature snatches the gun out of David's hands, and shoots him, killing him. Donny hears the third thud. 

Donny: Shit, shit, shit....

Donny finally gets the trigger piece on and aims it at the invading creature. He fires, and kills the creature. 

Donny: I did it!....guys, are you good? 


Donny: I'll just go home, get some—

But Donny was cut off by something grabbing him by his foot, and dragging him out of the room. A huge pile of blood hits the window....

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