Chapter 2

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"Come on, Ty! Hurry up!"

'Why does he want you to hurry so badly?'

I jumped towards the block Sky was on and he grabbed my arm and helped me over, "Quick Ty! Jason and Ian are going to beat us!"

I chuckled as we ran over the blocks, swiftly, run, jump, land, run, jump, land. I keep going in that pattern until I bang into Sky. "Oops.."

Sky just laughs it off as he pushes me off the edge, K grab k to the side and pull myself up.

"Dude! Don't do dis, I could've gotten wet!" I complained jokingly, as Sky grabbed my hand and started jumping again.

"Oh meh gerd, we are almost there," Sky yelled. "Ty your faster, quick go do the solo bit, we need to win!"

I run quickly through the door and jump over the blocks swiftly and carefully, I would say elegantly but I don't want to boast. My feet dance on the ground and I'm a few paces in front of Jason.

"Quick Ty, go for the win!"

Sky's cheering me on and I know that I can do this. I go at the fastest speed I've ever been at, probably breaking my newest record and rolling into the finish! Jason was far behind me and as Sky handed me a glass of water, I heard an explosion in the background. "Sky, I'll be back soon, don't boast without me."

He chuckles as I leave the map. I run to where the explosion was heard, the east wing? Yeah. I open the door and sprint through, I can't bare to stand whatever that was.. I look up from the marble only to see the wall it's a massive hole in, a crater in our floor and the squid cheering and squealing over it. I sneak over with a pocket knife, which I always keep on me, and stab a squid from behind. After killing them all, I notice what they were all laughing at... Seto. His face had a massive bruise on his left cheek and a cut running over top of it, blood pouring down his head, his leg was mangled and looked like it was going to fall off, his clothes torn and ripped to the point his body shivered from the winter cold. His eyes fluttered open, a purple hue flowed in his mocha orbs and I dropped to my knees and held him close.

"T-Ty.. please.."

He grabbed my arm, his hand felt rough to the touch and his arm shook and was weak. Tears strolled softly down his cheek, mixing with the metallic smelling blood.

"Hey, Seto.. Calm down.. We're gonna fix you up," I try to state calmly but his breathing is heavy and he's having a panic attack. "Set, come on, bud. Breathe with me, in... out, in... out... Good job, you're doing great, I'm gonna call for help, ok?"

Seto looked worried for a second as I sat him against the wall next to the door.

"I won't leave the East wing corridor if it makes you feel better."

Seto nods slightly as I open the door to leave.

'Be careful..'

I nod as I run down the corridor, as I reach the ending passage, I scream for Sky, Jason and Quentin. But instead I get the opposite, Mitch, Jerome and Brice. The only one actually useful is Brice, he often calms the panicky soldiers down so.. I sigh as I lead them to Seto. Mitch was first to kneel next to his little 'brother', Mitch smiled gently as Brice kneeled down next to Seto. I sigh as Jerome goes rummaging through Mitch's backpack for something.

"I swear to god Jerome, this better not be another explosion."

Jerome growls at me as he pulls out his diamond axe and medics kit, throwing the kit at Mitch, he walked over to the hole in the wall. Now that I think about it, it wasn't the safest place to leave Seto but.. he needed this.

Mitch opens the kit, pulling out a lot of bandages, painkillers and some hand towels. He told Brice to hold the hand towel on Seto's cut on his face after wetting the towel. Mitch watched Seto shiver so he took of his jacket, wrapping it around his 'brother's' body. He grabbed Seto's arm and wrapped a bandage around the upper arm, he wet another towel and cleaned Seto's hands and lower arms.

"God, Seto, don't scare me like that!" Mitch exclaimed hugging Seto gently but lovingly. "Ty can you get me a water bottle please?"

I nod as I go into his backpack, let's see here, water? Nope, that's an escape artist kit. Water? Nope, that's an iron sword. Water? Definitely not, that's a crayon set? A phone? A mouldy banana?

'M-my headphones!'

Huhhh, this is some pretty weird stuff, "Mitch which pocket is it in?"

Mitch giggled as he pointed at Jerome plastic bag filled with just water bottles and chicken sandwiches and other picnic foods. I groan as I pass him some water.

Seto slowly opens his mouth as Mitch carefully pours water in, Seto tapping his arm when he's ready to swallow.

"T-thanks, Mitch.." Seto stuttered as he blushed, "And Brice.."

Brice beamed as he put a bandaid on Seto's head.

"No problem!"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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