Part 2 - Chapter 8: Mine

Start from the beginning

"Hyung... my mother called..." I told Yoseob-hyung softly and I his eyes widen

"So?" Jungkook asked, well just so you know, he knows NOTHING about my past and how Yoseob-hyung in my only family though we have different family names

"What did she say?" Yoseob-hyung asked pretending that Jungkook is even there

"She said that she wanted me back... That she regretted leaving me..." I answered softly

"What happened between both of you?" Jungkook the asked

"I'll tell you later" Yoseob-hyung told him and he just frowned and started listening silently to our conversation "So what did you tell her?" he then asked

"I asked her how come she remembered me after 10 years! I asked her why did she care now not before! I asked her if I was that worthless to her that she just remembered I EXSIST!" I replied clenching my fist starting to get irritated

"Was Norhan with you?" He then asked again and I could sence that he wanted to conclude something from it

"Yes?" I then answered not sure of what should I reply and Yoseob-hyung sighed

"Did she say anything?" He asked sternly

"She asked what happened but I told her that I'm not ready to tell her"

"You do know that she could feel hatered towards herself if she sensed that you're hiding something THIS serious from her. It could make her useless because she won't be able to help you through this" He said and that knocked some sense in me WHY WAS I SO DUMB?! but soon the thought disappeared as soon as I remembered what my so-called sister said to me this morning

"I'm sorry hyung but--" I started but was soon interrupted by the door opening revealing a SERIOUS looking Norhan

"Kim Myungsoo! We need to have a serious talk" When she called me by my full name I SWEAR TO GOD I felt my spine shiver so I just stood up and followed her to an empty classroom... She was scary... LITERALLY

"I want to know what's happening" She started seriously and I didn't sense that fun, cute side of her and just like I said before... She's scary

"What do you mean?" I asked not sure of what should I say

"You're hidding something from me. And I can't bear that feeling that it's serious" She said seriously but also with concern

(Norhan's POV)

I heard him groan loadly in complete frustration as he turned around heading towards a seat and then sat on it

"Okay..." He said and started telling me what relationship he had with his family starting from when they abandoned him at Yoseob-oppa's house until this morning where he said he met his sister telling him that his father is sick and that he should take me with him because his parents wanted to see me

"Myungsoo..." I started sitting beside him "Is it because your parents left you, that now you despise them?" I asked holding his with mine softly caressing it with my thump

"You don't understand how feel Norhan..." He replied almost whispering, he looked at his lap, holding my hand tighter

"I might not... But even though they did this to you... I still can't hate them, and I don't think you should too" I said and he looked at me confused so I added caressing his cheek with my other hand "How can I hate who gave me the most precious person to my life" He looked at my eyes, he looked so deeply in them slowly starting to tear up. He leaned closer and we kissed, my heart exploded as soon as his lips touched mine

(Mark's POV)

"Come on... Come on... Come on" I said impatiently as I was pacing around the room with rage and worry calling Victoria

"Relax Mark. I'm sure she's fine" Jackson tried reassuring me but with no avail

"IT'S BEEN ALMOST 4 DAYS JACKSON AND SHE DIDN'T CALL NOR DID SHE ANSWER MY CALLS!!" I replied with anger, I was a mess... Though she did bad things to Ruby I can't help it... I just love her... I love her so very very much

"Anything new?" Minjin asked worried, Minjin started to officially date and they even live together now

"No, you?" I asked back but she shook her head and that was my limit "THAT'S IT!! I'M GOING TO SEARCH FOR HER!!" I said and immediately left the apartment towards the street looking for her as I started to have an extremely bad feeling about her suddenly disappearance

I've been now searching for about 4 hours for her until I got a call and I immediately answered not bothering to look at the dailer's number

"Hello!" I said impatiently still looking for Victoria

"Excuse me, but is this Mark Tuan" I didn't recognize the voice but I stopped in my tracks gaining a little interest in what the man had to say

"Yes this is him... May I ask who's this?"

"This is Dr. Park Jinyoung, do you by any chance know Song Victoria?" He asked and at the mention of her name I started panicking

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE IS SHE?! IS SHE FINE?! DID ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER?!!" I immediately started asking, my heart beating extremely fast

"Relax Mr. Tuan, she's fine now but can you come to the hospital IMMEDIATELY because you're the only person we could contact from her relatives" When he said hospital I started panicking even more


"Mr. Tuan I may tell you the details when you arrive at the hospital" As soon as he told me where the hospital is I texted Jackson then took a taxi to the hospital. When I arrived I ran towards the receptionist and told her my name and that I was searching for Victoria then she led me towards what seems like a doctor's office, when I entered the doctor greeted me and told me about Victoria's condition

"As you see mr. Tuan Victoria is VERY VERY allergic to sea food, even just a taste of it could kill her slowly but NOT immediately... And about 2 days ago she ate almost a dozen of a type of fish food which completely destroyed her digestive system and now she's in a coma, I'm not sure if she'll wake up or not but 70% of the tests proves that she'll wake up eventually, we've been trying to reach her relatives for two days with no avail until we searched through her contacts and your number was the only one" He said

"C-Can I see her?" I said not holding my tears anymore and the doctor nodded. When we reached her room and my tears fell like a waterfall... She looked so weak, her body was connected to several devices and she was locked in a glass cabin of her own. I slowly approached the cabin not believing what I'm seeing right now, I touched the glass wall and whispered "My Vic..."

(Minjin's POV)

When Mark-oppa told us to go the hospital I got scared... I started getting bad thoughts about Victoria. We were going there with Jackson-oppa's car, I was beside him on the passenger's seat, when he senced my anxiety he held my hand tightly

"Don't worry, honey... She'll be fine" he said and I just held his tighter but I felt a little assured. As soon as we arrived we asked the receptionist about Victoria's room and she led us to it and when I entered my room I was SHOCKED, Victoria was conected to several machines and Mark-oppa was kneeling in front of the glass cabin crying quietly, I covered my mouth and tears slowly started to approach my cheeks, when Jackson saw that he hugged me soothing my hair affectionately as he did, as if reassuring me

"Everything'll be alright" He kept whispering to my ear trying to relax me and slowly I started to feel better but when I saw Mark-oppa I pitied him so I asked Jackson to call Norhan and tell her to take Ruby and come here and he nodded then took out his phone and dailed Norhan's Phone number

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