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Two days later Val received a message from the Duke of Chester he planned a presentation to other members of the Royal Society and he wanted her to give the lecture. She was so glad he was honestly going to support her effort she squealed bring her mother and her brother Vance out of the parlor.

"What has you so excited imp?"

"The Duke of Chester invited me to present to a group of Royal Society members about the waterproof material. "

Felicity gave her daughter a warm smile,

"Dear when did you talk with the Duke about the waterproof material?"

"The other day Joshua I mean the Earl of Reading set it up for me to talk to the members. The Duke was one of them and he said he would help support me in my efforts as did the earl, and the Viscount of Raymore. The Earl of Hampton said he was not able to support it at this time, but he would study it."

Val could tell by the look on her mothers face she was upset with her presenting to the group of men. After all, three of the four were eligible title noble men. She knew her mother did not approve of her love of reading that is all she felt Val did. It was not her fault she could not be as perfect of a daughter as Tory.

"Mother there is nothing wrong with me showing interest in science. It is not like I was the genius who invented it just a person who is interested. Why is that so bad?"

It was Vance who answered.

"No one wants to marry a woman who is smarter than them. It would emasculate them."

"I did not ask to be smart, but I will not pretend to be stupid."

"Stop both of you, Valerie send the duke a message you will be glad to make your presentation and that your brother the Viscount will accompany you."

Two day's later Vance sat across from his sister glaring at her.

"I want you to know I had plans for this afternoon."

"I did not ask you to accompany me, I could have brought Anne with me. I still can, we are not that far from home."

"Mother would skin me alive if I left you and what excuse could you give for me not being there after you wrote to them I would be?"

When they arrived at the Dukes home they were surprised to be greeted by the Duchess who seemed more excited than Val had been on getting the invitation.

"I am so glad you agreed to come and talk with some of the Royal Society. When Ethan came home and told me how impressed he was with you I felt bad I had not been able to attend. That was when he said he would ask you to present for another group and I could attend."

"I did not know you like Science your grace."

Ethen walked up behind his wife.

"My wife is quite brilliant, just the way I like her."

Val had a grin on her face only Vance knew what she was thinking. He shot back a warning look that said to leave it alone. Vance was impressed by his little sister there were at least a dozen men in the room, but she did not seem to care she delivered her message with out being intimidated. When had she learned to be so confident. After the lecture he watched as she calmly answered the men's questions pertaining to waterproof material. Vance thought he had to step in when Richard Drummond approached her, but she took care of the advance herself.

"Lady Valentine your lecture was very interesting. I would like to find time when we could meet alone to talk about this at length. Perhaps I can convince my father to support your efforts."

Val had a very charming smile on her face.

"Thank you for your offer my lord but your father has already assured me he will support my effort in this matter."

Vance walked off laughing she put him in his place. Nathan should not have come he had heard her lecture and was not impressed with the waterproof material, but he had been impressed with Lady Valentine. He had watched her exchange with Drummond and she handled that as well as she had been handling the questions these men at the lectures had been asking. The fact she did not kowtow to a man impressed him more she was a very formable female. He approached her.

"I still do not think waterproof material is something that will revolutionize the world."

She put on a pretty smile one her family knew to mean she was annoyed with them, but she always caught more flies with honey than she did with vinegar.

"What would you have me do to convince you this will be of great importance in the future if not now my lord?"

Nathan returned her smile and she knew why women thought him to be beautiful but she had four older brothers who used this ploy on her and so she would not waver to his charms.

"I am not sure what your thinking my lord would be appropriate, nor would it be very scientific."

She turned and walked away leaving him with his mouth hanging open. The girl was brilliant and had cheek. He laughed and left there was no reason for him to be there he had come to see Lady Valentine.    

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