The Story of Max Villareal v.7

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  "EMMA CALLERY AIKEN!" Ali yelled, "DID YOU JUST TELL ME YOU ARE PREGNANT?!" he drowned his face into his palms and his soulful wails echoed through the dreamhouse. Clare walked over next to me and shook me on the shoulders "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" She screamed in my face, the words ringing in my head, making me unable to think straight.
  I looked over at Emma, crying desperately in Ali's embrace and said "Yes, it was all my idea...I'm so sorry...But I promise I'll be responsible for the baby!" Ali glared at me as if I was mad and let go of Emma, letting Emily bring her upstairs. "How exactly are you going to do that?!" He exclaimed, "Your father hates us 'good' folk, you are supposed to take over his business AND you live under HIS roof! Please don't tell me he's blind and deaf so that he wouldn't be able to see or hear the baby?"
  I stifled a laugh about his joke but his words really hit me and suddenly I couldn't cope anymore and collapsed to the floor, bawling my eyes out. Ali gasped in horror and Clare half-dragged, half-carried me to the sofa. When I finally came back to my senses, I told them "I have a bit of money saved up that my mum gave me ages ago, I'll buy a small house and live with Emma...if that's ok with you." My heart pounded against my chest like an African drum as I noticed Ali and Clare exchanging glances.
  After what seemed like the longest minute of my life, Clare muttered "You have until your baby is 5 years old to show us that you're responsible to protect and look after a family of your own. If not, Emma and your child comes back to live with us and we'll make sure the baby forgets about you as their horrid father." I reached over to hug her, but she pointedly stepped out of my reach.
  "And if you hurt our darling daughter or our grandchild in any way, you'll be sorry, VERY sorry." Ali whispered in my ear as he gently pushed me out of the door...


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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