Chapter 5

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*Melody's POV*

The Ranch was beautiful. It had rolling green hills, and small specks that moved across the hills. I quickly came to the assumption that they must be the horses my Uncle kept.

In between the hills there was a valley, where a large house sat. The house had a porch that wrapped around its main floor, as the house was slightly circular. Then it appeared to have 3 more floor on top of the main one. The house reached its peak which was made out of glass. The houses coloring consisted of brown and red for the trimming.

A little to its left was a humongous stable. It match the coloring of the house, and you could hear the calls of horses coming from inside the stable.

Movement caught my eye, and I turned towards some objects, which seemed to be running towards the house. "Looks like everyone is coming to welcome you Miss Melody." Flame cried out happily. "Look! Even Rocky is coming to see you! He was the one most against you coming to live with us." I stared at him in surprise as Leif promptly hit Flame upside the head. "You weren't suppose to tell her that Flame!" Leif glared angrily. It appeared he was going to say more, but didn't get a chance. We had arrived at the house.


Ello there folks! So, I've been writing this on my iPod, and the stupid bold and italics thing has decided to be stupid, so no fancy stuff right now until I figure it out. It has also been a week since last time I updated.....sorry? I've been trying to get my life back together,after my trip, and this was put on the back burner. Hope you enjoyed! I'm going to say bye in a different langue and hope it makes you think I'm smart! XP jk (not really)

CIAO!!!!! (That's is how you say bye right?)

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