Chapter one

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----18 months ago------------

*Melody's POV*

I watched quietly as the trees flew pass the window, deep in thought. I was on my way to my Great Uncle Gar's house, as my parents had recently died due to an accident involving: a pair of hedge clippers, some leather hide, and a clumsy person. Add some water to that equation and you can guess the what happened.

Anyways, I was going to live with my great uncle, and I was not happy about it. I barely knew him! He lived way to far away to visit, and he didn't visit the capital,(where me and my parents lived), unless it was urgent business, and nothing of great importance had happened for 30 years! See my dilemma? I know nothing about him! For all I know he could make me floss his toes! Or find his teeth, he IS my GREAT uncle after all.

Great Uncle Gar also knows nothing about me either! How will he know that I don't get up before 10:00, or how I hate getting dirty? I hope I can make it to my 18th birthday, because that's when I can leave and go back to the capital. Back to the civilized places of Zalgeraf!

The carriage I was riding in jerked to a halt, bringing me out of my brooding thoughts. I turned to the window, to see a small town, called Prairie Winds, surrounding me. The quaint town bustled about with everyone saying hi to everyone else. Children ran about playing in the dust. Many had stopped to see what a carriage as fine as the one i was riding in, was doing there.

The coach man came and opened the door for me, and I daintily stepped out, as I had been bred to do, and thanked him politely. He tipped his hat to me, and began to get my luggage from the top rack.

"Melody!" I heard someone cry, "Miss Melody! Over here Miss Melody!" I let my gaze scoured the crowd for the voice, and succeeded in finding it. It was a boy, about my age, with raven black hair, and when you looked at his eyes, they looked like they were on fire. He was 5.7' tall and tanned. Everything about him screamed, "I WORK OUTSIDE ALL DAY, EVERYDAY!"

The boy came running up to me and said, "Hi the Miss Melody. I'm Flame! Mr. Gar sent me and my brother to get you. How's your trip? Was it fun? Did it rain? What's it like in the capital? Do you think I could go there someday?!?!?"

I gaped at him. HOW COULD HE TALK SO FAST! Flame sounded like a hyper squirrel on coffee! I was worried to met his brother. If Flame is anything to go by, his brother should be even crazier!

"FLAME! Stop stalling and help me with the luggage!" I whipped around towards the voice to see another boy there. What had I gotten myself into?


Hey there all! I managed to get the Prologue and the first chapter out within 24hrs!!! Are you proud of me? I hope you like the first chapter, as it took awhile to figure out where the heck I was going. :/ There will usually be a authors note at the end, to tell you important things. Like when the next one should be up,(but don't take my word for it), and to ask for FEEDBACK! I would really like to know how I'm doing, or if its boring or something. The A/N won't always be this long. That's all for now!


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