Chapter 2

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*Melody's POV*

It turns out, Leif,(Flame's older brother), is as calm as Flame is hot-headed. Leif has white blonde hair, and the most vivid green eyes you have ever seen. He is 6' and 17, while Flame is almost 16. Both seemed excited to hear about how life worked in the capital.

I told them of all the wonderful things that happened in the capital, and they told me about life on my Great Uncles ranch. Apparently they had lived there, with their family, as long as Leif could remember.

Flame and Leif also had several brothers and sisters! Leif was the oldest, and he had a twin sister named Ebony. I was told that she had hair as black as night, and grey eyes that looked like they were staring into your soul. After her came Flame, then came Snow, their 15 year old sister. Snow had brown hair, with bright white highlights, that reached passed her butt, and her eyes were a piercing blue. Then there was Rapids, a 14 year old boy, who had wild brown hair with dark blue eyes, and Rocky who was 13 with dusty coloured hair, and eyes that matched. After them came 11 year old Sky, who had red hair, with blue highlights, and sky blue eyes, then Angel, who was 10, with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes you'd ever see. Finally, there was the 8 year old twins Ronny and Ricky, who had fiery red hair. Their eyes, one had blue the other had green, were the only way to tell them apart.

I was amazed at how many siblings Leif and Flame had! "Your parents must have to work their butts off to feed all of you!" I cried. Leif and Flame shared a sad look. "Our parents passed away a couple years ago. They died during a dust storm, so they could save me and my siblings. Your uncle has been looking after us ever since." Flame muttered lowly. "Oh..." Was all that came out of my mouth. Then we finally reached our destination.


Aw.... They can all be orphans together! So I add a truck load of characters today. And even more will come next time!!! If you need me to put full descriptions of the characters please let me know, and I will do it gladly!! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK!!! It's the only way I can get better at this! I need to know what I do wrong so I can fix it! I'm going to go read this over now so....

BYE....I guess.... :D

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