Accidents are forever

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That is Blake Banner in the pic. When she was born, Banner's 'Hulk' DNA got mixed with the mother's. The mother died giving birth mostly because of Blake's mutations.

Third Person POV:

Listening to her music, Blake Banner is dancing in her room to her favorite song, Natural by Imagine Dragons from her ear buds that are connected to her phone, which makes her accidentally stub her toe and hit her right dragon wing on the foot of her bed when she fell.

Blake's POV:

"OW! Son of a- Stupid toes, always ruining my dancing by getting stubbed." I said, pausing my music, taking my earbuds out, leaving my ear buds to hang from my sweatshirt, and looking at my toe to see how badly I stubbed it. Not too bad, it just hurts. Good, if I had a broken toe, dad would've freaked. I smile and stand up, then fold my wings tightly behind my back. My stomach roars and I smirk. Time to eat! I walk out of my room and shut the door behind me. Then I wrap my tail around my waist like a belt, so I don't accidentally hit people with it. I walk down the hallway and make it to the kitchen where a plate of pancakes and bacon awaits me. I usually wake up after everyone else mostly because I use all of my energy for dancing and smiling. I pick up my plate and start mowing down the food. God, I love bacon, almost as much as I love music and dancing. After I finished my food, I put the plate in the sink and put my ear buds in. Then I started to dance to my room and blasting my music. I was near my room, not paying any attention to my surroundings like an idiot, when I bumped into something tall and immovable. As if I was thrown back, I fell to the floor to my butt, removed my ear buds, and looked up at the reason I always stayed in my room.

Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, stood before me, looking down at me like I was amusing to him. I froze a tiny bit, got up still looking at him, shaking and terrified of what he thinks of me. Then I start blushing from embarrassment 'cuz he was staring at my horns and wings.

"I'm sorry, I bumped into you. I should have been watching where I was going. C-can you please not stare at my horns and wings? I just-.....I don't like........stared" I could feel his gaze on you intensify with curiosity and wonder. Then dad got in between us and I hid behind him.

"Don't you have something else better to do, other than gawk at my daughter, who is and never will be a monster?!" I flinched when he yelled and so didn't Loki. Then dad starts walking me to my room and I can feel Loki watch us both. I open the door , run in, then slam it behind me. Panting from the embarrassment, running, and starting to cry, I locked my door and slid under my bed, with some difficulty cuz of my wings. Curling up into a ball and watching the door, tears slip down my cheeks because I knew he was curious and wanted more information about me. Then I could hear dad's loud voice coming from beyond the closed door. Then Loki's, but his was more quiet and calm. I was surprised when Thor and Steve started in as well, then everything went quiet. Calming down a bit, I climbed out from under my bed, wiped the tears away, unlocked the door, and went into the hallway to peak into the living room where everyone was either crossing their arms, frowning and shaking their head, or looking over at either me or Loki. Just as Loki was about to speak, he saw me and everyone followed his gaze. Then in my quiet shy voice, I spoke.

"I-it was my fault. I bumped into him because I wasn't paying attention. I did apologize, so please don't be angry at me for causing a ruckus." Everyone just looks at me with soft and comforting gazes. Even Loki, the one who was getting yelled at, gave me a sympathetic look. Then I got a bunch of hugs and apologies, but I stopped them.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Loki. You all ganged up on him for no good reason. And Loki, I'm sorry for letting them yell at you and I promise I will watch where I am going next time." Everyone in the room paled a little and frowned except for Loki who smiled with his eyes, but kept a stone straight face.

The day went by fast and before I knew it, I was in bed in my Sully Sullivan onesie. I always had trouble sleeping, so I read a book. Then there was a knock on the door. I tell them to come in and it's Loki.

"Hey Loki. What's up?" I ask him, trying to cover my onesie with my blanket. He looked at me from the door and started to quietly whisper.

"Thank you for defending me. Just don't let my brother know I apologized. He is very loud and obnoxious." I giggled at him and smiled. His eyes brightened at my giggle and smile. Then we said good night and I went to bed easily.

Hey people of the world, this is my first book and I would appreciate the feedback about how I can improve. Bye~♡

His Mischievous Heart: Loki Fanfic [MIGHT GET SCRAPPED AND REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now