"Now bed has started to feel alien," Harshad uttered with his eyes closed. 

Manik looked at the clock and saw it was 11:30. He didn't care to mind his daily routine of taking a bath even when he needed one badly. He just dived into his bed and closed his eyes to the sullen world. He could curse himself to the end of world if he didn't know how it wasn't helping anything. These seven days were hell physically as well as mentally. He could survive hundred other such drills for the love of this service but he couldn't bear the pain of not talking to her, not seeing her gorgeous face for one day more. He was mad, mad at her when he chose not to call her next day after their argument. He felt how she should take the first step. He had the chance to call her before he left for this supposedly 3 days drill but he didn't. The guilt was heavier than he thought. He knew it was wrong, wrong to put her through this. She hadn't had best of relationships knowledge, thanks to her dysfunctional family. He put her through this and God made sure his drill got extended so he could feel the same heat. 

He winced as Harshad threw something heavy on his back. He growled and lifted his head to see what was the urgency with his darned friend. 

"I have been talking to walls since five minutes," Harshad complained and Manik threw his stinky shoe back at him. 

"Take care of your oversensitive back before sores turn worse," Harshad said throwing an ointment towards him. He knew how his friend had spent this last week. He saw him regretting something each minute. This was the first time Manik hadn't shared anything with him no matter how much he pestered him. 

He saw Manik walking out of dorm without any protest and wondered how bad he might have screwed this time. Granny Harshad was kicking in already. 


Nandini's truck halted at the gate of academy and she tried to mask her excitement with a stern face. She was sure she was going to punch across his face and then tell him how she hated him before she just held him tight so that this cold could disappear. She entered the campus and decided to meet Sahiba before she headed to see that one face which could bring the tornado. She met his batch-mates in way and tried not to return the smile. She hated them all at the moment for being around him 24*7. 

Manik on other hand walked into Colonel's office. Colonel Singh asked him to wait till he attended a call. He rubbed his palms to fight the urge to run to admin office and ask if his aunt had called. He was still busy in his thoughts when someone took the seat next to him. He looked up to find Avanti sitting next to him. She smiled cautiously at him and then chose to keep to herself. Another realization dawned upon Manik as he remembered how terribly he had behaved with her last time they met. He palmed his face and muttered some cuss words. The lady cleared her throat and he apologized. 

"I am so sorry for the last time we spoke," He uttered and Avanti tried to smile. Colonel called them both inside and the conversation ended a quick death. 

"How was your drill, cadet?" Colonel asked and Manik replied briefly. 

"Avanti is leaving in week and I want to do something special for her," Colonel divulged the reason why he had called them. 

"I am sure she is going to do marvelous job with this documentary and I would be pleased if we could do anything for her as token of appreciation," He added and Avanti smiled cheerfully. 

"I have already had some good time here, sir," She said genuinely.

"Maniik, I want you to train her this upcoming week. She had causally told me that she has keen interest in shooting," Colonel ordered and Manik nodded. 

"It's okay, Sir. He already is so busy and I don't want to trouble anyone here," Avanti said earnestly. 

"I would love to. Please allow me, Avanti," Manik insisted. He too wanted to make up for his reckless behavior. He could do this much, he was sure. 

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