"Fuck...where is Randhir..?"my heart came into my mouth.Hoping for his safety I jumped out of the bed and ran till the door.

But it seemed the stars were not in
my support.The door was locked from outside.I kicked it in frustration.

"Open the door..."I banged it harshly but no response.

"I said open the door or else this
place will turn into graveyard..I swear.."I roared.Within a minute I heard some footsteps approaching.

I took few steps back .Soon the door clicked open and Daddy entered inside with all his trusted men.Uncle Robert also accompanied him.

Disgust was written on Daddy's face.

"So my Princess is up..and how her romantic date was..?"He took his gun from the table and stood right in front
of me.

"Daddy..I am sorry...but I love him..it's none of his fault.."I spoke like a timid kitten just to save my love from Daddy's wrath.

"Ahh my little Princess is grown up now..she is begging for her Love..hahaha.."he laughed but again looked at me with a devilish glint
in his eyes .I knew what it meant.

"Daddy I never ask for anything and took your order as heavenly orders..but not anymore.. Daddy I want to live my life..I want to be with Randhir ,my love.."I revolted against my Daddy.

"Sorry my child I can't help it..you chose the wrong way...now ready to face it's aftermath.. Princess.."he smirked and pressed his finger on the trigger.

I shuddered.The death was dancing above my head.My own father wanted to kill me ,who treated me all these years like a fragile glass doll.

"Boss calm down.. please she is immature and young..and mistakes happens in this age...let it be.. please forgive her.."Uncle had a go at Daddy to save me.

"I know Robert that's why I want to give her the punishment so she won't repeat such mistakes in future when she will become the boss... Princess can make a mistake but not the Boss.."Daddy sardonically smiled and put the gun down.

If he didn't want to kill me then what else my punishment would be..?

I knew my Daddy wouldn't sit idle,he was upto something bigger certainly..but what..?My confusion got cleared when Daddy spoke.

"Jason..I want that son of a slut in front of me ..."Daddy commanded
his puppy .

"Yes Sir.."that bastard passed me a
evil grin .He hated Randhir and now Daddy gave him the opportunity to avenge Randhir .

But before he could leave ,the door bursted open with a loud thud.

"Don't need to pain your ass Mr. Jason.I am here in person..."His deep dangerous voice echoed across the four concrete walls.

"You..filthy man..how dare you touch my daughter...?"Daddy bounced on him like a wounded lion.

"Easy old man..easy..we can talk in a humanly way too .You don't need to hurt your vocal cord.."Randhir smirked sitting on the table.

"Rascal ..."Daddy tried to grab his collar but next moment he got punched directly on his face.

"Daddy..."I screamed as he collapsed on the ground and shot a murderous glare at Randhir.

How dare he hurt my Daddy . Though I decided to part my ways from Daddy but he was still my superhero ,my ideal ,my first priority.

"Stop right there Sanyukta.."Randhir shouted at me as I was about to run
to my Daddy.

"Take her out .."he yelled and some armed men entered inside.

I was taken aback.Who was he..a common man or someone very powerful beyond my imagination.

"Who..who are..you..?'Daddy cried .

"Have you ever heard of 'Shekhawats"..Mr. David Mawson..?'he smirked while speaking.

"Sh..kha..wat.."shock was written
all over Daddy's face.

Theme: Gangster girl and her boy.

aesana0710 ReaChakravarti

Final countdown has begun.

Only two or may be three chapters are left.

Many revelations in next part that why Randhir is behind David.

Do vote and comment.

~~Trishla Singh😊😊😊

Taming the Heartless (#blooming potents) (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن