16. A Nightmare✔

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One Month Later

Ajay was sitting in his cabin, working on a project, when he received an envelope. He tore open the envelope, only to get the biggest shock of his life. The envelope contained a divorce notice.

Ajay spoke, "She can't do so. No. She cannot leave me. She is my wife. She is mine. I will not allow her to do so."

He immediately called Nidhi.

Ajay - "What type of joke is this?"

Nidhi - "This is not a joke Mr. Mehra. I want divorce."

Ajay - "NOOOO"

Ajay woke up screaming. He had been getting such weird dreams since a week. He drank some water and looked at the clock. It was one o' clock in the morning. He sighed and laid down once again to sleep.

It had been a week since Nidhi had gone to Ahmedabad, to visit her parents. It had been a week since Ajay had heard her voice. It had been a wee' since Ajay had seen her beautiful face. It had been a week since Ajay had slept peacefully....

Next Morning

Rahul was banging on Ajay's room door early morning. A sleepy Ajay opens the door and asks, "What happened, Rahul? Why do you want to break the door? Let me sleep." "Sleep. You want to sleep? Look at the clock. We have a meeting in an hour. We should have left by now," said Rahul.

Ajay looked at the clock. Rahul was right. Today, they had an early morning meeting. Since it was an important one, Ajay had asked Rahul to accompany him.

He immediately went to the washroom and somehow got ready within fifteen minutes. But the biggest problem was waiting for him. He could not find an important file. Without the file, the meeting could not happen. He searched and searched but no use.

Ajay thought to himself, "Aahhhh! If Nidhi would have been here, she would have known where the file is."

Finally, Rahul called Ajay's PA and postponed the meeting for the afternoon. The whole house was searched and the file was found in the study room. "How could you be so careless Bhai? The file was in your study room and you did not know?" asked a shocked Rahul.

Ajay was wondering the same thing. Nidhi had spoiled his habit of remembering things. But he could not tell this to anyone, not after claiming that Nidhi as nothing to him.


"I am your wife, Ajay. You like it or you don't," said Nidhi. Ajay screamed, "You are no one to me. Get this inside your brain. You are no one to me."

Flashback ends

Nidhi had left the next day, claiming that she was missing her parents. Since then, they had not talked. Nidhi regularly called Mala and Rahul, but made no attempt to talk to Ajay. Though he hated to accept it, yet he was missing her. And today's incident made him realise that he could do nothing without her. He could not wake up on time, could not find his file. He was nothing without her.

"She knew my schedule better than me. She knew which file I will need, at what time of the day, and where it is kept. Why did she go?" thought Ajay. "Because you hurt her," his conscience told him.

Ajay took a deep breath to calm himself and left for Mehra Industries, with Rahul.

Dining Room, Mehra Mansion

Everyone assembled in the dining room for dinner. It was not as delicious as it used to be, since it was not prepared by Nidhi. But it was eatable.

Vijay spoke to Rahul, "So Rahul, you are leaving for Ahmedabad tomorrow?" "Yes. And Bhai is accompanying me," said an excited Rahul. Ajay clarified, "Yeah. It has been long since I visited the Ahmedabad office." Vijay nodded. Ajay sighed. Since the day Nidhi had left, no one talked to him normally. Not even Rahul. With a heavy heart, Ajay ate his dinner and went to his room to spent another sleepless night.

Next Day, Ahmedabad

Ajay and Rahul reached Ahmedabad at 10AM. Mr. Parth Mehta was waiting for them. Ajay looked at his face and searched his face for anger. But all he could find was happiness.

Ajay thought, "Seems like Nidhi hasn't told him anything about our relationship."

Both the brothers moved forward to touch his feet. Parth hugs them and takes them to the car.

In the car

Parth started the conversation, "Rahul, I heard you did not wish to go to Bangalore without meeting your bhabhi?"

Rahul rubs the back of his neck. Parth and Ajay chuckle. "She is my lucky charm. Talking to her makes me feel positive," said Rahul.

Parth smiles. Ajay looks at Rahul and then looks outside the car. Looking at Nidhi's face had always calmed him. It had been more than a month since their marriage. Ajay had not touched alcohol. He never needed it. The innocent face of his wife was enough to calm him.

Rahul looks at Ajay and smiles. He could clearly see that Ajay was missing Nidhi and was eager to meet her. The journey soon comes to an end.


So, how is it?


Key To My Heart || Book 1 of Love Series✔Where stories live. Discover now