~The next morning~

It was a quarter past 9 and Phil had barely gotten up. To his surprise, Dan had already been up.

"Whatcha doin' up so early, Dan?"

"What do you mean 'so early?' I always get up at this time." Dan said confused.

"I don't know. I guess I just thought you would've still been asleep." Phil said simple-mindedly.



"I swear there's something wrong with you!" Dan laughed.



"Remember that ridiculous question you asked yesterday?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"It got me thinking..." Dan said pouring milk into his bowl of cereal.

"I myself have been avoiding a question." Dan kind of mumbled toward the end of his sentence.

"Really?" Phil said interested in what Dan was about to say.


"Well, do you want to talk about it?" Phil asked.

"Well, uh nah...forget I ever said..." Dan trailed off back to his bowl of cereal.

"Alright. I'll be here if you decide you want to talk about it." Phil said with a smile.

"Yeah, I know. Well, I guess I do have one particular question."

"What's your question?"

"Have you been eating my cereal recently?" Phil turns nervously to the side from where they were sitting then over to the box of cereal. 

"I was hungry?" Phil finally responded.

"Phil! What the hell?! That's why you have your own!" Dan said angrily.

"Whatever. We need to get really for what I have planned today."

"You have something planned?" Phil said surprised.

"Yeah...why is that a problem?" Dan asked curiously.

"Well no, it's just that we never really do anything outside home...anyways, what do you have planned today, Danny boy?"

"Whoah! Don't like the way you said that. But uh...nothing much we just have to go get a few things for a new baking video I plan on making." Dan laughs pointing toward him.

"OO! Sounds fun!" Phil said excitedly.

"Yup! We're gonna bake cupcakes and decorate the hell out of 'em!" Dan, too seemed excited.

"Oh! What if we do another conjoined baking video like our Halloween one!"

"Where would we find the sweater?"

"I can find one on eBay!" Phil exclaimed.

"I guess we could try but for now, I need to get ready! It's about to be 1 and I ordered an Uber at 1:30!" Both Dan and Phil rush to their rooms up the stairs. Phil accidentally trips over one of the steps onto Dan. "Ah!" Was the only scream Phil was able to yell.

Dan on the other hand..., "FUCK! OW WHAT THE FUCK!" Dan said facing his entire body up-ward while Phil landing safely on top of him.

"Phil, how the fuck did you fall?!" Dan managed to say in the strange position.

"I don't know I must've slipped!" Phil breathed on Dan's face.

"Ok, well first of all, would you mind getting off of me? Second of all, I still don't even- never mind we're gonna be late!"

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