"I didn't ask to make you feel guilty or anything, love. I just wanted to hear that from you, before backing out. Wanted to ensure that I didn't give up on us without trying."

She raised her head and cupped his face with her right hand. "Ramon, I don't know how. I love you, but Jonas makes me feel-. I feared all those feelings. I swear I tried staying away, but it was-. Please don't hate me, Ramon. I can never live with your hate. Please, Ramon."

"Relax, Sandra. I understand. He is your soulmate. You are meant to be. Us, me- forget about all that. We had a nice journey. Don't you think so?", he smiled, "And are you mad, how can I hate you? I'll never ever hate you, Sandra. I have always lov-". He gulped.

"I wouldn't lie, Sandra. It hurts. It hurts a lot. But if you are happy, then that makes me happy. Let us not taint the beautiful time we shared with a bitter goodbye. Anyways this is not a goodbye. You are going to be the Luna of my pack. Can you imagine, my crazy li'l Sandra is going to be the Luna of a werewolf pack? God save the pack!!" She swatted him on his chest, smiling with tears in her eyes. Even I couldn't help smiling at the scene.

He planted a kiss on her forehead, closing his eyes.

"Your beta will be always there to help. Now smile." He pulled the sides of her lips with his fingers forming a smile. She chuckled looking at that.

Rubbing his palms, he asked, "OK, let's talk about some important things. Did you have anything to eat today?"

Sandra shook her head in negative, looking at him with a cute pout. He gave her a stern look and said, "I knew it. Let me fix something for you. You'll fall sick, crying so much on an empty stomach."

He stood up to leave, but Sandra pulled his hand. "Are we really good, Ramon?"

Ramon had a warm smile when he patted her hand softly and said, "We are."


I had been standing behind Ramon for some time now. He wasn't aware of my presence as he chopped the vegetables and then looked for something in the cabinet. I was watching him working effortlessly in the kitchen.

Coughing a little, I tried to gain his attention

"You don't have to do that Diana. I know when you are around." Ramon said in his ever-so-husky voice.

He turned and smiled a little. I was speechless, why did I want him to look at me in the first place?

"Umm.. where is Adam?". He enquired, maybe as an effort to break the awkwardness of the situation.

"He is with Jonas. I mind linked Jonas to take him along when he left."

Ramon nodded and then went back to whatever he was doing.

I couldn't help but ask, "Ramon are you really fine?"

He didn't reply and I regretted asking that. Why did I have to go and rub it on his face, when he was being so normal?

But then he said, "I am not, Diana. But I am trying. Sandra and Jonas, both mean a lot to me. I wouldn't do anything that might hurt them." He stopped and then looked at me with a sincere smile, "As for me, I would be OK. It'll take some time. But I'll be OK."

I knew I should have said something, but somehow the words were jumbled up in my mind. Confused at my behaviour, I moved towards the dining area and sat there, fiddling with my fingers.

Someone placed a cup in front of me on the table. I lifted my head and found Ramon standing there with a tray.

"Have this coffee. It has been a long day for you too."

Sensing the confusion in my eyes, he added. "We have been together forever Diana, even though as enemies. But still, we were. I know your love for coffee. Please have it."

With that, he turned and left with the tray having sandwiches and juice for Sandra. My eyes didn't leave him as he disappeared at the topmost step and turned to Sandra's room.

My mind had so many questions. Who is this person? Did I know him? And why exactly did I hate him? I looked for the answer to that but got nothing. How could I be so wrong about someone? Ramon was nothing like I had thought. I felt petty about myself for making things up in my mind and hating him without knowing anything about him. Guilt washed over me, over things that I had said and done to him all these years.

Looking at the stairs, I felt a pang of jealousy hit me. My best friend was so lucky to have received his love when I was planning silly comebacks on him. He is just...

He is wonderful. Amber completed with tears in her eyes.

And for the first time that day, I and my wolf finally agreed on something.

He is wonderful.


Somehow I have not been able to update my stories as per the schedule. I'm glad, this chapter is finally up.

Mind linking- so werewolves of the same pack can mind link each other to pass messages. Isn't that cool!!   I have used that in this chapter, hence mentioning.

'Who am I to stand in your way' was the song that I thought of in this chapter. So added a song for the first time in my book. I hold no right over the video, whatsoever. 

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And to all those who have already left comments and voted for the story, Thanks a lot :)

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