Zahra- Scarred (chapt 14)

Start from the beginning


Me-are you muslim?


Me-me too" I said smiling

Him-where you from

Me-Iran you?

Him-Half Egyptian half Indonesian

Me-nice nice" He had a nice head shape (thank god) with smooth looking hair nice light brown Chinese looking eyes with mixed coloured skin. He sort of looked half black but I don't know, it's probably down the line of his generation or something.

Him-so what your parents are strict yeah

Me-yeah something like that" he nodded

Me-what about yours

Him-let's just say my dad don't mess about init" I laughed slightly relating to what he was on about.

Me-I understand

Him-always taking it too far kmt" I nodded in agreement

Him-anyways how old are you b

Me-15, let me guess your 16? Or 17?

Him-turning 17 in hmm 4 months. I'm an august baby init" he said smiling showing his left dimple. I then cooed smiling in his face. He looked away fixing his jeans

Nyah-ANYWAYS GUYS! You uninvited hoes please now leave. And yes I'm talking to you" she said facing a group of girls.

They all kissed their teeth walking out loudly cussing her

Nyah-that's nice sweetie, don't forget to call your dentist on your way home" she said smiling at the last girl as she walked out kissing her teeth

Her-skeen after you some any tea bag face criss cross toothed bitch" she said a lot quieter.

Her-anyways now what activity should we do?

Breh-21 dares" he said grinning

Nyah-you would like that now wouldn't you... Anything else

Another breh-that game when you go into a cupboard

Nyah-Oh gosh no! Urmm girls speak up... Please

Carim-Ny we might as well go with Marcus's idea you know that cupboard game don't sound too bad" all the boys agreed as us girls rolled our eyes.

Nyah-no! Zahra got any idea's?" I shrugged

Nyah-it can be childish, we don't really mind

Me-urmm what about that game where it's dark and like one person's it?

Girl-ahhhh that game was cruddy when I was a younger. Come we play that

Nyah-boys?" they shrugged now really caring

Nyah-okay that game it is. Anyone wanna be it?" silence swept through the room

Nyah-Fine Marcus, Shannon and Ezekiel"

Everyone then stood still waiting for the curtains and windows to be shut. Nyah and a few girls tied some material around their eyes so they couldn't cheat and adapt to the darkness. When done we all looked at each other and the lights suddenly turned of making the room pitch black. I stood there like an idiot not knowing what to do since I didn't know where anything was.

Carim-Come" he said pulling me behind a counter

Shannon-you lot's done?

Breh-Chirp" everyone sniggered at the boy's idiocy and the three turned around.

Zahra- ScarredWhere stories live. Discover now