Guilty Treatment

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                            Aliyah pov

"Fuck you nigga I don't need you in my life anymore. "  "Aliyah you really don't mean that. I know I missed up big time but this I realize I need you with me...Please Aliyah I'm sorry okay. "    "Fuck you Nigga you'be messed around with my heart and feelings and You got that bitch pregnant on top of this.....sigh* I forgive you  Trey but I will never forget the memories we shared and had with each other. Really Trey. Why me huh. Why?? "    "Because when I first met you.. no when I adopted you at 14yrs you were everything I wanted in a kid and plus everything I want in my future wife. You had every trait I want in a women. Your sweet, Blunt, Funny, Clumsy, Crazy, Weird, Independent, Nice, Respectful and stupid me fucked it up. Aliyah what I really called you for is to say Happy Birthday baby girl. And I got you a gift too. So Happy birthday Aliyah." 

(Trey hunged up )

Ugh..And  I was just starting to have a great Birthday. Chris cooked me Chocolate chip Waffles, Bacon and a Banana-Strawberry smoothie. That was sooo sweet of him. Then The Afternoon we went to the Eiffel Tower. Yeah that was like a big ass surprise But since I'm 18 I have to be an adult and tell Chris my secret like now.   I'm secret of what he might think of me But here goes nothing.

"Chris Babyyy can you come here I have to tell you something. "  "Okay Bae. I'm coming."   He ran to the bedroom.   "Yea Aliyah. "   "Well today started off as a good birthday and We did everything baby. "    "Well it is my Queen Birthday. I want you to remember this day. "   "Ohh trust me I will. " I whispered.  "What was that baby? "    "Nun Chris I just have to get this guilt off my chest...But um Well you know me and Trey right? And he's my father right?"    Yea okay. But he's your adopted father But still go on with you your point. "      "Okay. And you know that girls should never have sexual intercourses with their father, Right? "     He seemed to get confused.  "Lolll baby. Don't tell me that you and Trey did the nasty with eachother lolll!"  I put my head down in shame and started to cry. I looked up and I saw his jaw clenched, and he balled up his fist. Here it goes.   "REALLY ALIYAH YOU AND TREY HAD SEX WITH EACHOTHER!!! THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS. I never thought.... Let me breath. "   "Chris baby I know you ma(Gco)"      "MAD NOT EVEN THE FUCKING WORD ALIYAH I LOVED YOU I WANT TO HAVE A FUTURE WITH YOU AND TREY SCREWED THAT UP. WHY ALIYAH. Baby just tell me why? " I was so scared to look into his eyes because if I do he might be disgusting to him.   "Look at me NOW ALIYAH! "   I didn't look up at him so he snatched my chin and force me to look at him.   "NOW ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION ALIYAH. "    "I use to love him okay. But then I started to see he was really using me . Started to have sex with that dumb hoe Jen or jenn something like that. Then that day when he told us ...That he got her pregnant I freak out. Then you came in and saved when I was about to kill myself and Now Im having those thoughts in my head again Chris. Chris baby don't leave me just because of the past I love you deeply and I don't want to leave me If you do I'm going to regret it please baby.."  I now crying into his chest really soaking his shirt up. I fucking hate myself But at the same time I feel good all the guilt is gone now. 

Chris looked at me and he felt sorry for me actually... But then he pushed me off of him and whispered "Your sick chick... I got to go ."     I knew it. He's just going to walk out and maybe come back....  "Babyyy I'm sorry please. "   My daddy Always told "Lil A in life if a man can't handle the truth or breaks your  heart, You never cry over a nigga because that shows your weak okay  lil A?"    "Okay Daddy..Never cry over a nigga because that will make me look weak. "    "Now that's my girl. "    And once I made that promis with my Dad I would never break it. So once got his keys he looked up at me and whispered. "I'll never leave you Aliyah it's.... Ugh. I'll be back. "   He walked out the door leaving me lonely and depressed but once he walked out I had to feeling and being weak.

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