Gathering Supplies

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"Well, that was a bust," Raincloud said softly, as the quartet left the thick jungle at the edge of beach. He saw the piled up driftwood and fruit and smiled. "At least they've been busy."

Sarah waved at Lori, who was sitting by the fruit, watching the baby put a melon rind on her head and look around at everyone with a big goofy smile. Lori waved back.

"NO!" the baby yelled, but waved at Sarah, Charlie, Rainsong and Don. "No!"

"Think she's happy to see us," Don laughed as the baby got up, still wearing the melon rind like a helmet, and ran toward the quartet in the staggering lurching way that small children run.

"Find anything good?" Lori asked, watching with a smile as Sarah lifted up the baby.

Raincloud shook his head. "Nothing but jungle. Once you get past the thick brush at the edge there isn't that much overgrowth, but it looks like nobody's been here in years."

Charlie nodded. "This island is big. It took you guys almost six hours to walk around the island yesterday, so that means it's like sixteen miles around the edge. So you figure four miles a side, that's sixteen square miles, and that's a lot of ground to explore."

Renee sat up from where she'd been laying on the sand, sunning herself. "You didn't find anything?"

Sarah shook her head. "No. Just jungle," she pointed at the stream that fed into the lagoon. "We followed it for a ways, then looked around. We found a coconut grove. A lot of them are brown, so they're ready to harvest."

Don held one up. "Anyone want some coconut?"

Tommy held out his hands. "Sure. I love coconut."

Don tossed it to him as Sarah went over to sit down . The baby picked up a shoe and started hitting it against a suitcase, making loud baby noises.

"We did a sweep of the beach. We appreciate you guys dropping off more fruit while we gathered up the debris and piled it up to bring it back."

Charlie and Don looked at each other.

"We... didn't," Don said.

Emily swore and slapped an open hand against the sand. "You're kidding! We leave, and he comes in here and piles up more fruit?"

"He's making us look like assholes," Mike, a blond with watery blue eyes, said, slapping at the sand.

"Never mind him. Anything good wash up overnight?" Don asked.

Emily laid back on the sand. "No. Suitcases and junk, that's it."

Don looked at Mike, "Any bodies?" Mike shook his head and Don sighed. "That's something at least."

Charlie looked around, noting how almost everyone was just stretched out on the sand, relaxing or outright sunbathing.

"Is anyone going to start building shelters, or are we just sleeping in the sand again tonight?" Charlie asked.

"Don't know how to make one," Tommy said, then went back to obviously ignoring everyone.

"Neither do I," Bree said, tossing her blonde hair out of her face. She laid back down on the sand, covering her eyes with her arm.

"Is anyone going to help make shelters?" Charlie asked.

Sarah looked up from where she was passing the shoe back and forth with the baby. "I'll help."

"I'll help too," Don said.

"I'm in," Rainsong added, standing up.

"Hey," Renee said, smacking Mike's leg. "You need to go help."

Poison Paradise - Damned of the 2/19thحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن