Thank you very much for the flowers, they're lovely. ~Blythe

I catch myself smiling like a bloody fool at my iPhone as I read her response. That's the longest sentence she's said to me since I betrayed her. I still hate myself for hurting her. "Harry, Zayn, you're up" Lou comes out all smiles. "How'd it go?" I stand from the couch and tuck my phone back into my pocket. "Swell" he jumps on me pushing me to the ground as we burst into fits of laughter. I playfully push him off and walk into the recording booth with Zayn. I escape reality when I sing, time to do just that. 

"I'm hungry" Niall whines in the car on the way back to mine and Lou's place. "We have food, 5 more minutes Niall" I chuckle as he clutches his stomach as if he's in pain. We pull up at the complex and get out one by one. A few paps are snapping away with their cameras while a couple teenage girls point a jump from across the street. I send them a friendly wave while my big cheeky grin is visible. The lads are already in the elevator when I come through the double doors. We ride up to our floor and step out into the hall. I walk a few steps to the door and see a woman who weirdly resembles Blythe. She has the same face but different hair and she's about the same height as her. We make awkward eye contact as she get's into the elevator, I can't peel my eyes away from her. It's just too strange. 

Blythe's POV:

"Blythe you can leave early, happy birthday and please think about the job opportunity" Alexa smiles and gives me a hug before shutting herself back into her office. I make my way to the coat closet and once the door is open, I slide on my coat and grab the beautiful red dress that is my birthday present. The flowers are too heavy to bring home so they can sit on my desk and bloom. They really are lovely, Harry was very sweet to send them. I sigh, oh Harry why can't I get over you already? The October 19th cold birthday breeze greets me and this time I don't shutter at the coldness, I smile at the thought of my flowers and my dress and just my 18th birthday. I finally reach my complex and I climb the stairs carefully to the door. The warm air has never felt so good on my skin. I ride the elevator up to my floor and I cross the hall, grazing across his door and to my own. The lights in my apartment are off. I flick them on and I almost scream at the sight, "SURPRISE" my Aunt and another woman yell. Wait that's not another woman, that's my mom. "Mom!" I drop everything in my hands and run to her, throwing myself into her embrace. Tears pool my eyes and I just squeeze her as she smooths my hair with her hands. "Happy birthday sweetheart, I missed you so much" I pull away to get a good look at her. "I missed you too" silver tears run down my cheeks, tears of joy not sadness, a pleasent change. My aunt joins in to make it a little group hug and when we all pull away, there are tears streaming down each of our faces. We all start to giggle at what emotional wrecks we are, while wipping each others cheeks to rid of tears. "Present time!" my mom skips over to the table where balloons are high flying and there are several square boxes beautifully wrapped. A big smile captures my face, showing off my pearly whites. Auntie slides the first one toward me and I want to tear off the pink polka dotted paper like I did when I was a child. I tear off the paper to reveal a gray box. I flip the top open and on a cushion sits a gorgeous silver Michele watch with a rectangluar face and small crystals outlining it. I turn to look at my favorite women and I attack them with a thousand "thank yous" and a giant hug. "Open the others" my mom jumps up and down like a giddy little girl. She's always been cute like that, very free spirited and fun. I turn back around to face the remaining gifts and I open the next one. Inside the paper is another jewlery box except smaller. I carefully flip it open and two diamond earrings sparkle back at me with magnificant beauty. I start to jump up and down with happness, these gifts are incredible. The last gift is much bigger than the other two which makes me anxious. I strip it of paper and the tan box with white writing makes me want to cry with happiness. On the box, scripted in white writing is the word Louboutin. My eager hands throw the lid to the side and in the box rests a pair of the most incredible shoes I've ever seen. My very own pair of Christian Louboutins. The studded spikes dazzle on the sexy shiny black heel, while the red bottom just throws me over the edge. I throw my arms around my mom and aunt and just start to tear at how amazing these presents are. "Thank you so much! I love you both!" I squeeze them to the point of suffercation. "Happy birthday honey" my mommy smiles at me. We look a lot alike except her hair is blonde with highlights and lowlights and my hair is just a deep chocolate brown. "C'mon, get ready we're going to celebrate" my aunt pushes me towards my room to which I turn around and grab my stuff that I threw on the floor. I scurry to my bedroom and set down everything on the plush white comforter. "Charlie it's my birthday" I nuzzle my kitten in my arms and kiss him repeatedly. I guess you could say I'm kind of a cat lady. I bring my dress over my shoulders and set it on the bed before rolling my black stockings down my legs and onto the floor. I finish undressing before setting out for the shower. 

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