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My knuckles meet the cold wooden door. I slowly knocked as I switched my body weight on different legs, trying to get warm. The red door opened as a unfamiliar yet familiar face popped out.

"Y/N! You're here!" Who I assumed was Mark spoke up. "Mark?! You look so different!" I screeched out excitedly. (A/N: Reeeeeeeee) "Come, come!" Mark gestured for me to come in. As soon as I did he gave me a warm hug, His fuzzy black jacket tickling my noes. I leaned into his hug even more trying to get warm. "Y/N, you're here." Blair's voiced echoed from behind Mark. As me and Mark broke our hug, I looked at Blair and she winked and gestured me to follow her up to her room. I waved to Mark as I left to go up stairs making sure to not forget to tell him that we will catch up over dinner and that I had to see what was up with his sister.

I made my way to her room opening her bedroom door no bothering to knock. "So Y/N you seemed happy." She closed the door behind me. "To happy." she added. "We should be happy." I giggled out smiling. "Ya." She smiled and laughed. Blair used to always want me and Mark to date and marry each other because "ill become her sister in law and we will be even more closer." I guess she remembered.

"Anyways, dinner will be ready in a few." Blair smiled. "Meaning..." She trailed off. "Movie!" we both yelled and raced each other to the bed laughing.

After watching a movie with Blair her mom called us down stairs for dinner. We raced down like we usually would when ever I stayed over and had dinner. Mark and his parents where already sitting at the dinner table. Blair quickly took the last seat available that was farthest away from Mark so I had to take the seat right next to Mark. "Thank you mama C." Mama C is what I had called Blair's and Marks mom ever since I was a child. she nodded and smiled. We all ate and talked catching up with one another.

"Y/N why don't you stay over? Its already dark and it freezing outside." Blair's mom spoke up. "Sure if its okay with everyone." She smiled and nodded her head. "Of course!" Blair chimed in.

We all finished eating. Blair pulled me in her room once more to pick once again, another movie.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile I will try to do better. But happy Halloween!

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