The night before the tour.

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‘Annie, have you seen my GK shirt?’

‘Jose, don’t you know where are my mic cables?’

‘David, where are the posters?’

‘Ricky, here’s your shirt!’

The house was chaotic. Literally. Boxes, cables, clothes and papers everywhere. We were extremely excited but I was totally terrified too about the tour. Playing in unknown people’s houses for weeks… sounds weird for me. Inside I was praying not to fail as a merchgirl but more for our relationship with Jose. I really didn’t want to lose him. That would kill me.

About midnight we checked everything for the last time and seemed like we’re done.

‘I think we should go to sleep now, big day tomorrow!’ David recommended.

‘Great idea! Dibs on the shower!’ Ricky said and ran up the stairs.

‘Damn, man! That was my plan!’ David said.

‘Maybe we’ll go for a little walk with Annie.’ Jose said.

‘It’s pretty cold outside, I don’t want you to get sick.’

‘Guess who’s talking…’ I laughed.

‘Shut up, Annie!’

‘Fine, daddy…’

‘We’ll be okay, we just want to be together for a while.’

‘Alright, see you in the morning!’ David said and went upstairs.

‘Come with me!’ he said softly and I almost melted. He gave me my coat and left the house. We were walking down the street hand in hand and I couldn’t be happier. That’s what I thought.

‘Sooo, why did you want to come outside?’ I tried to break the silence somehow.

‘I just wanted to be with you here for the last time.’

I stopped.

‘For the last time?’

‘I mean before tour!’ he laughed.

‘Oh my god, finish your sentences!’ I was terrified but now I laughed.

‘Sorry!’ he pulled me closer and gave me a little kiss.

‘Can I tell you something?’

‘Of course you can, babe’ he whispered.

‘I think… I think I… I think I love you more and more day by day and it totally freaked me out in the first 2 weeks but I realized that I got a gift from above. And that’s you. And I couldn’t be happier in my life.’

I looked up and saw little teardrops in Jose’s eyes.

‘Annie… these were the most beautiful words I’ve ever heard!’ he smiled and kissed me but now it was long. I wanted this moment to be infinite, it was perfect! Better than any of my dreams!

‘I love you, Jose!’

‘I love you too!’

We were smiling at each other while he was holding my head in his hands when suddenly he started to search for something in his pocket. He pulled out a little box.

‘Actually, the reason why I wanted to take you for a walk.’

He gave me the box and I was shocked. I was staring at him.

‘Don’t be scared, not an engagement ring.’

‘I guessed’ I laughed.

‘Open it!’

And I did.

There was a necklace with a half-broken picker as a medal on it. I looked up at him and he unzipped his coat. The other piece of the picker was on his necklace.

‘I thought you’d like them’ he smiled awkwardly like a teenage boy on his very first date.

‘Of course I love it! That’s the second most beautiful gift I’ve ever got!’

‘Um… damn, just the second? What was the first?’

‘You’ I smiled and OH MY GOD HE BLUSHED! I’ve never thought that I’d ever see him rose-red. ‘Would you…?’ I gave him the necklace and turned around. He put it around my neck than kissed it and turned me around.

‘I hope you’ll never want to put it down.’


For you. For us.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt