Feeling Lost..

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Hello, Everyone. I know..it's been over 3 months since i've uploaded something here. The thing is, i have no idea what to write next here. I almost had the thought of putting this book on hold. But i figured got all won't like that. So..i wanted you all to decide on what the next chapter should be about. Here are the choices:

1: The Kyurangers make their return to Remmant, Over a Jark Matter attack.

2. A lemon with the Hammie.

3. The Aftermath of Y/n leaving with his teammates.

Anyways, that's all their is to it. Vote on which I should do. Picking both is ok as well. Let's hope I don't lose motivation to write this. Voting ends at Tuesday 3:00pm. Happy Voting. Also, enjoy this video of an Xbox players be my slammed hard over Marvels: Spider-Man(PS4)

Why must you treat me this way: Bully RWBY girls x Male Kyuranger readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora