love is blooming pt. 3

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It was a week later, Rose had been drawing on the floor with Max, Bendy watching him closely "Hey Rosey? Does this look good?" He showed her a picture of him and her holding hands on a beach, her cheeks went pink as bendy grabbed the picture, looking at it "Exscuse us, dear sister."

He picked Max up by his wrist, bringing him into another room, pinning him against a wall "Listen bud, stay away from my sister, I know what your planning and I'm not letting you lay your pretty little hands on her body." He growled, his eyes turning red

"C-chill dude, I wasn't gonna do any of that, I-i just...she's cute and...your not letting me make her happy, I'm trying my best to keep her from liking me... and I can't do anything about how i feel, so I don't know what you want me t-"

"" Rose was standing in the doorway, holding her red rosy cheeks and the boys looked at her "Ro-" Max reached out to her as Bendy pushed her away "Oh no, no no no, I will not allow this relationship to go any further!" He pushed Rose away as the two desperately tried to reconnect

Moments later

Rose was crying into her pillow as Bendy walked in "Hey rosey-" "Don't call me that..." she sobbed as Bendy sighed "Look, I'm sorry, but this is for your own good, you have no idea why he likes you anywa-" Rose shot up "HE LIKES ME BECAUSE HE CARES, HE WANTS TO SEE ME SMILE ALL THE TIME!" she sniffled "But apparently I'm not allowed to be happy!" She got up and ran out of the room "Rose wait!" Boris and Alice walked in, watching Rose run away crying

"Why do you have to be such a big downer." Alice grumbled, frowning "It was for her own good, I'm protecting her." "If protecting you mean keeping her from smile all the time then yes, that's exactly what your doing." Boris frowned, putting a paw to his forhead "Just accept it Bendy, you have to let go, she isn't a little toon anymore, she'" Boris spaced out "-a young animation?" Alice giggled as Boris nodded "What she said."

Bendy sighed once more "Fine...I'll make it up to her, but i need your help." He smiled as Alice and Boris stood straight "At your service, sir!" They all laughed

Bendy x BorisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin