I am nobody

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Let me express my thought around here. Be good to me ;)

When walking to the school is very tortured for her while going home feels like heaven. Well that's what Taeyeon is feeling right now. Ever since she entered high school, she made it sure that she will definitely not like to hang out with every student or classmate in the school

"Hey! Taengoo! wait for me!", except for this person i guess. "Urrgh! i said wait for me buddy", says Yuri while panting really hard just to catch up for Tayeon whose already beside her not even giving her a glance. "What do you want from me? Haven't you tired enough on following me since forever?", says Taeyeon who somewhat calm in stating those words like she doesn't care.

Yuri then hang her arm to Taeyeon's shoulder and halted both of their bodies "come on Taengoo, why are you still ignoring me? im sorry that i blurted out about your condition to my parents okay?Like i was totally happy that finally i will be able to share someone for having like this too", said Yuri who is now feeling sad.

And it somewhat made Taeyeon feel guilty. "hayss..come on lets get going and enough with this drama already."

On their way while walking out of the school gate, Taeyeon caught from the corner of her eyes the two laughing girls on their side opposite on their way (walking inside the school obviously). "oh lord...what the hell happened down there", on Taeyeon's mind talking about her buddy gets hard on the eye smiling girl that also caught her staring at her and did the same thing like just in the movie that had slow motion while having eye to eye contact.

The girl abruptly stopped and made her friend beside confused on the said behaviour. That question indeed answered when suddenly Tiffany went to Taeyeon's direction in a hurry way to catch up with her and tapped Taeyeon's shoulder "Hello there stranger! (while waving her hand). Im Tiffany, what's your name?". Tiffany don't know where she gets here courage to approach this girl in front of here. All she knew that she needed to do this!

Taeyeon indeed surprised by the latters' sudden appearance and it made her a little bit scared on the contact made by Tiffany. After recovering from the slight shock. Taeyeon compsed herself and says " I am nobody." turned around and made her leave.

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