Let me do it

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Yuri abruptly stand up after she saw Taeyeon coming over them with full of sweat in her forehead. Making Jessica startled when she heard a rough creak of chair. Then shifted her eyes on Yuri's gazed.

"What's going on?," she asked Yuri and cause the latter a bit shock not believing that Jessica is talking to her again. It's been awhile since she spoke to her.

"I don't know but i think we should go," seeing Taeyeon is not in a good shape she hurriedly packed all of their things before Taeyeon finally went to their table, Yuri grabbed her wrist and make leave.

"Taeyeon wait!," just when their about to make a last step outside the canteen, Tiffany stop them and run to Taeyeon's front then Tiffany gave a piece of paper to Taeyeon. "Please call me? or text me to make sure your okay?". Tiffany pleaded to Taeyeon without a thought she just nod and it made Tiffany smile "Bye!".

"Tiffany you better explained to me everything right at this instant," Jessica demanded when saw all of it which make Tiffany looked crazy. The hell is wrong with her bestfriend? She never seen her like this desperate before. Begging for this attention on the girl who just new here and a perfect stranger.

"Whatever Jessi!", Tiffany rolled her eyes and sat on her previous chair and looked at Taeyeon's chair she left. "You are out of your mind Tiff since yesterday." Jessica commented on Tiffany's behaviour.

"I know Jessi but please hear me out first and don't freak out okay?", she slowly said to Jessica. "I like Taeyeon, and not in a friendly way,". Jessica stared blankly at her, there was a pregnant silent before Jessica burst into laugh.

"Hahahaha! oh Tiff! don't be so hard on yourself okay? just you and Nickhun are not working that doesn't mean that you should shut out your sex preference."

"Hey!! It's not about him Jessi! And why you brought that up again. I'm over him. I feel so stupid thinking all those time we spent together." She said to Jessica and it made the latter smile sincerely. Finally Tiffany realized it because during their relationship Tiffany can't see the negative side of Nickhun. For whatever the reason is i think it's a good thing that Tiffany met this Taeyeon.

Jessica finally calmed down and rubbed her eyes to get rid of her tears for laughing out hard. "Let me be straight to my dearest bestfriend, are you sure about this?." She asked Tiffany in concerned. "You might think it's weird cause i'm gonna be honest with you. I am never been this sure even after that jerk thai boy (sorry to Nickhun's fan this only a story and no offense) cheated on me. It's like there is this string attached between us Jessi and it keeps me pulling towards her. At first i was scared on feeling this way but whenever i see Taeyeon it vanished instantly." Jessi ruffled Tiff's hair that made the latter annoyed even more. "Haha how i wish i was also brave enough just like you Tiffy..im so proud of you." Jessica commented in a sincere way with sadness written all over her face. Tiffany did not see it cause she was busy thinking Taeyeon in red flashed face in the bathroom. It made her tummy ache in a good way like butterflies were flying inside her stomach. (if only you knew the cause of it Tiffany LoL).

The bell rang indicates the end of lunch break. Each of the student went to their respected rooms.

"Let's go then Jessi, i hope for a better day ahead," She smiled whole heartedly thinking Taeyeon would text her or maybe call instead.

"Yuri i think i'm in trouble again, can we skipped this period? it's getting to me all over again. Now i know how to get rid of this," Taeyeon says while their walking at the back of the school.

"What do you mean getting rid of what?," Asked Yuri confusedly. "You know when were eating, i accidentally stared at Tiffany's cleavage going down to her breast." She confessed to Yuri.

"You did what?!", Yuri hissed no believing that she will eventually get unto this point. Taeyeon is acting like child that caught by her parents on wrong doings.

"I don't know what's got into me, i'm afraid it will give a big impact on me Yuri-ah. What if it will got worse in each every day." Taeyeon says like in burge to cry.

"Hey hey hey, i'm saying that it's a bad thing okay? This is normal, i did not think that yours are getting out of hands now." She engulfed Taeyeon into a tight hug.

"So what happened next?," Yuri pried on. "When i was in the bathroom, i called Sunny and did help me a lot actually." She grinned while remembering those images appeared again then frowned after realizing her doings, "I jerk off" shyly says Taeyeon in a low voice.

Yuri's eyes went bulged that ready to popped out of her sockets. "oh god! Taeyeon! you are such a pervert!", slapped Taeyeon's shoulder while laughing seeing Taeyeon act so innocent the way she says it.

"Come on now buddy let's get back to the class," she grabbed Taeyeon's hand then starts to walk when suddenly Taeyeon did not move an inch.

"You know that's the problem Yuri". Again Yuri not sure what's Taeyeon talking about, she knew after jerking off will eventually the end of her lust phase.

Yuri just stared at her and waiting for the next sentence "i am hard again Yuri-ah, i need to do that again." Taeyeon says while looking at the ground. It's embarrasing enough to know so much information she gave to Yuri.

"Let me do it," both Taeyeon and Yuri frozen on the spot hearing those voice that so familiar to Taeyeon. "I'm ready to die Lord," says Taeyeon in her mind shocked by Tiffany's unexpected appearance.

"LET ME DO IT," Tiffany repeated her words. Taeyeon could only faint on this eventful scene.

Oh boy! Not again.

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