Day 2:Elizabeth_I've had worse

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Dear Dairy:

It seems this dairy Marsal gave me was to record the "business" we do in case of death, amnesia or for the court of law(if we make it back to earth).That crazy man and his conspiracies, I'll still write in it because it will help me recall and examine my memories. As studying ones biology and psyche is the most thing to do, especially when such person is a live guinea pig for the greedy paws of a once good company.

I awoke to a load sound, but still in my bed as I snug closely to my blanket. The warm and loving embrace was more welcoming that the cold and metal labs. Marsal never actually kept the labs cold, until I started to stay down here. Even though Mars is already starting to freeze(thanks Exertus) he cooled the labs even more so the majority of the test subjects have little to no movement. Yesterday, I heard talk about it and about how he did that so I can live in luxury.I didn't ask for it but I am very glad for what he has done.Then he started to talk about other things about me and then, well you know; 'angry bitch burst through the door'.

I did something involving killing but it's kind of a blur, like a dream or a major hangover. I will have to do my best to describe that event but not too much as Marsal probably already described most of it in his diary entry. Seriously it's not even like a diary entry more like a story narrated by him. I wouldn't be caught dead doing that as it takes to much effort and because the human memory isn't that reliable after a while meaning, that I would have to record it on spot but I don't have the luxury of an A.I to do it for me.(Lazy Bastard)

Back to the "story". I'm awake and then I heard a animal sound like a grumble and a hiss. Then it came closer, and closer, until...



it jumped my ass.

After that I grabbed the sharpest object closest to me and started jabbing whatever it was. I knew it couldn't have been Marsal, he's to much of a pussy to attempt anything like that and because it had more than one arm.

Really it was more of a hairy insect leg.

The encounter was quite hectic and (as stated before) blurry in my memory(now you see why I don't trust it). I only know it involves a ton of blood everywhere, and some insects, I think Marsal maybe in there but I don't know(thought it was a nightmare, with Marsal being in it and all).

Then I remembered I fell asleep, woke up and dealt with Marsal. He acting weird, quite irregular. He's up to something, I just know it.

He's a terrible liar.

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