I've made a descision

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"Simon, can I talk to you?" May called. She sat alone on the porch of her owner's house. The sun was setting and the sky looked like a painting. There were crickets chirping. You could see the first stars of the night appearing the sky. 

"Yeah, May?" Simon squeezed through the small cat door that led outside. He walked along the porch to sit beside May and looked up at the slowly darkening horizen. "So, what's up?" Simon asked,  cocking his head to the side.

May sighed. She turned to him. There was a look of nervousness in her eyes, but happiness and excitement at the same time.

"You know how you asked me that..question..a few weeks ago? I said I would think about my answer and I'd tell you when I was ready.." She said. She placed her paw on Simon's. 

"My answer is yes. We've been mates for a long time already...I love you and there's no reason why we shouldn't." May buried her face in Simon's tan fur for a moment before looking back up at him. His eyes were teary and anot enormous smile was stretched across his face.

"Are you sure?" He asked, "I mean you sounded pretty nervous when I asked you. I just want to make sur-"

"Simon," May cut him off. "Of course I want to have children with you." She wrapped her tail around Simon's. "I was just waiting for the right time."

Simon jumped to his feet and tackle-hugged May. "You seriously have no idea how much I love you right now." He laughed.

"So does that mean you usually love me less?" She joked.

Simon rolled his eyes and smiled, "Yep that's right. Don't love you." He stood up and walked away dramatically.

"Oh get back here, you idiot!" May chased Simon from behind and leapt onto his shoulders, causing both of them to crash onto the ground.

"You're such an spaz.." Simon sighed.

"Thats big talk coming from you, Simon." May hissed, trying to sound annoyed.

"You know you love me." Simon purred.

"I guess you're okay.." May replied, sticking her tongue out. 

Finally Ready || Simon x May || READ DESCRIPTIONWhere stories live. Discover now