Chapter 12: Sports Festival

Start from the beginning

"There are too many! I can't get through!"

One of the robots suddenly moved its' hand towards Y/N's figure, just as she was about to slice it off with air pressure- Todoroki, instead pushed her away from the villain bots' hand and puts his hand in the floor below him, "If they went through all this trouble, I wish they would've prepared something better." he then raised it upwards, making the bot frozen in whole, "Especially since my dear old dad is watching."

Todoroki inhaled then looks at Y/N with a hint of concern, "Are you alright?" Y/N turns her head to him with a confused expression, "Why did you help me? this is a race, right?" 

'We're not here to play at being friends.' Todoroki's words shot through her mind once again.

"..Let's just hurry up." Todoroki says while looking away towards the front where the villain is frozen, "They might catch up."

Y/N hesitantly nodded and muttered a small 'thank you', not bothering to ask again and proceeded to run behind Todoroki. Little did she know, Todoroki's heart beat increased as she thanked him. "He stopped em'! We can get through that gap!" Someone from a different course said which made Todoroki look back at them while he was running.

"I wouldn't if I were you. I froze them when they were unbalanced." after he said that, coincidentally- the villain bot slowly fell down towards the crowd of students and made a loud crash, "They'll fall over."

"1-A's Todoroki! Attacked and defended Class A's L/N while sabotaging the others in one move! this guy's cold!" Present Mic commented through the speakers, "Amazing! He's the first one through while 1-A's L/N is now behind him! It's, you know, practically unfair!" Aizawa looked at Present Mic, "His actions are logical and strategic." 

"The first event is the obstacle course race! It's a lap around this stadium made just for today!" Present Mic stated towards the audiences, "Hey." Aizawa called over to him but Present Mic didn't notice, "According to the rules, anything's fair game as long as our contestants stay in bounds. It's a harsh game of chicken!"

"And all the action brought to you by the camera robots at each location!" Present Mic said, "You really don't need me here, do you?" Aizawa asked, wanting to go to the faculty office to sleep.

"Yes! Aim for the human legs!" One of the camera robots said towards the villain bots, "Smash the humans!" Another camera bot cheered.

The remaining people far behind Y/N and Todoroki were panicking as it seems like someone got crushed by the robot that fell down, "H-Hey! Someone's trapped underneath!" Someone from another class said, "Wouldn't that kill them!?" Asked by another, "Will people die at this sports festival?!"

There were small sounds of a piece of the robot's body was broken, "Like I'd die!" Kirishima loudly said with his quirk activated, "Kirishima from Class 1-A was underneath! That's crazy!" 

Y/N heard the message through the speakers of what Present Mic told, "Kirishima-?" she glanced at Todoroki then looked back at the students that was still on the robots' side, "I hope he's alright." Todoroki kept his mouth shut as an embarrassed expression was on his face now while running towards the second obstacle course.

"That bastard, Todoroki! Timing their fall like that! I'd be dead if I wasn't me!" Kirishima glared at the front with his hardening quirk still activated.

"That Class A.." A voice beneath the robot that fell down earlier said, "..Really is filed with bastards!" another part of the robots' body was broken now as it revealed the person, "Testutetsu from Class B was also underneath! That's crazy!"Present Mic said in surprise.

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