The Secret Of Keith (Chapter One)

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This is about Voltron hating Keith because he is galrin everyone hates him besides Pidge anyway read the story

Keith's POV:
  'Should I tell them or not' Keith paced back and forth in his room wondering if he should tell the rest of Voltron that he galrin 'Im scared they hate galra people a lot already, I'm gonna do it I have to' Keith was still worried that they will hate him, so he sat down for a little bit

The Rest of Voltrons POV:
We were all sitting down laughing and talking about vines from earth. "FIFTH GRADER N******GA" Lance screamed "I love how people tell me I'm like 2, 9 years old I'm 11 so shut the fuck up" pidge spoke dying with laughter "This bitch called me ugly, I said bitch where she said under all that make up, I said Bitch Where" Lance laughed very hard. Then all of the sudden Keith called them to the hallway, so everyone went to the hallway to see Keith "what's up Keith?" Shiro said standing 5 feet from Keith.

Keith's POV:
  I walk out of my room and can hear shiro lance and pidge laughing 'ok Keith you can do this' I walk to the hall "Guys can u come to the hallway please" I see them come into the hall "what's up Keith?" Shiro asked "Well I have a secret to tell you guys" "what is it Keith?" Allura looked at me with worried eyes "Ok here goes nothing I'm......Im part galra......" it was quiet for a while I got a little worried and sad, and I ended up changing into my galra form. I had my eyes closed so then I opened them and saw the shiro lance and Allura look at me with disgusted eyes "guys I-" shiro came at me running with a sword out and made a slash across my face "AHHHHHHHH" I fell to the floor holding my face and started to cry "Get out of here you are no longer welcomed here" allura looked angry as she said that to me "But All-" "No body wants you here mullet" lance spoke with words that stabbed my heart "guys-" "GET OUT OF HERE KEITH!!!" Shiro yelled at me. I ran into my room grabbed a couple of things from my room, then I ran out of my room I looked at pidge and hunk and they were looking at the floor. I ran out of the castle crying 'I can't believe they did this family my ass' I had my red paladin suit of and took an escape pod. I flew away from the castle I didn't have anywhere to go besides the Blade of  Marmora.

Pidge's POV:
I was still looking at the floor with tears in my eyes then I looked at shiro allura and lance "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?" I yelled at them "He was a galra" Allura crossed her arm "HE WAS FAMILY HE WAS KEITH!" Allura was about to speak but then I cut her off "HE HAS BEEN THROUGH WAY WORSE THAN US, SHIRO YOU CALL HIM YOUR BROTHER. WHAT KIND OF BROTHER CUTS THEIR BROTHERS FACE YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE YOU ALL NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN" I left the room and ran to my room. As soon as I got to my room I opened the door then closed and locked it right away so they couldn't get in. I fell on my bed crying holding my pillow. Keith helped me through a lot and now he's gone......For forever.

Keith's POV:
I flew into the BOMs base and there were Blade of Marmora people along with Thrace, Ulza, and Kolivan. I walked up to them I had blood dripping down my face from when shiro cut me across me face I ended up passing out. I woke up in a bed with a bandage across my face then someone cane into the room "I see your awake" it was Thace "Yes I'm awake thank you for fixing my cut" I put my hand over the bandage "Who did that to you?" He asked very concerned "It was shiro...." he looked shocked "The Black paladin?" I looked down "Yes him I also got kicked out" Thace sat down in front of me "Would you like to join the Blade of Marmora? you can go on missions get stronger"  I thought for a second and decided to join the Blade of Marmora "Yeah I'll join" Thace smiled and told me to get some rest do I did.

Time skip to 4 months later in the mean time with Voltron Allura he came the blue paladin and lance became the red paladin. Red didn't warm up to him because of what he did to Keith but she let him in eventually but red still hated him.
With the paladins:

Allura: Guys we need more power we can't keep in facing them by ourselves. " I remember Keith was talking about a group called the Blade of Marmora they are a bunch of galra people but they are all against Zarkon" Allura didn't like the idea but she soon agreed. Allura gave a call to the Blade of Marmora.

BoM: Hello princess

Allura:Hello Thace we have finally decided to join forces with you

BoM: Good we need the help and so do you I'll send you the coordinates and you can come here I would like to discuss a few things with you and your paladins.

Allura: yes we will come there as soon as possible good bye Thace

BoM: Goodbye princess

Call Ended

The paladins got the coordinates and flew to the base of BoM and landed.
No ones POV

The paladins walked out of the castle and saw Thace, Ulza and Kolivan and a couple of other BoM members

"It's nice to see you princess" Thace bowed down "I don't like them anymore Thace" Kolivan stared harder at the paladins especially at shiro and Allura "I'm sorry but did we do something wrong" Allura looked confused "Did You Do Something Wrong?!" Kolivan was telling "KOLIVAN STAND DOWN" Ulza looked at Kolivan straight in the eyes, Kolivan calmed down "Keith Kogane, Jace Wayland and Arianna Medina come forward" Keith, Jace and Arianna walked to where Thace, Ulza and Kolivan were standing "These are my top 3 soldiers they will stay with you for a week and a couple of days" Thace spoke calmly. The paladins were shocked to see Keith, when the looked at Keith they saw a scar across his face. Shiro stepped forward to talk to Keith but then Jace and Arianna pulled out their knifes and guarded Keith "Back off Shiro Thace may trust you but we don't" Jace spoke with an angry voice "Stand down guys it's fine I don't want to talk to them anyways let's just go, who ever gets there first gets to rip out one it's Zarkons buddies throat"
"Oh your on" Arianna spoke getting ready to run into the castle "ok 1...2...3 GO!" Keith, Arianna and Jace ran into the castle Keith made it first Arianna made it second and Jace made it third. Thace chuckled "Those kids are the best" "What did Keith mean by ripping out Zarkons buddies throat?" Pidge asked with a shock "Well when Keith came to us with a bloody face we took him in" Kolivan looked at Shiro and gave him a death stare "He told us that you guys kicked him out and shiro cut his face, he agreed to join us. He has gotten stronger and he emotionless until he met Arianna and Jace they made him happy, they were his New family sense his last one betrayed him" Kolivan looked directly at Allura and lance "Oh and if you hurt Keith or Arianna and Jace the deal is off! GOT IT!?" "Yes sir" shiro looked down at the floor ashamed at what Kolivan said. Keith came running out with Arianna and Jace following him "THACE HELP ME!!" Keith started to pick up his pace until Arianna jumped on his back and he fell with a 'thump' "Father Keith tried to cheat in a game" "N-no I d-didn't Arianna I c-can't breathe" Keith was struggling to breathe "oops sorry" Arianna got off of Keith "Guys no playing around for right now" Thace was smiling "humph fine" Arianna pouted "Guys show them what you can do ALL together" Ulza was standing with a smirk on his face "Fine let's go Keith? Arianna?" Haves held his hands out and his hands were open "sure thing Jace" Keith took Jace's hand and held his hand out to Arianna "Fine you losers" Arianna took Jace's and Keith's hand. Then all of the sudden they started to glow a yellow light surrounding them then they broke apart and started to run around throwing something in the air and catching it without looking. The paladins were shocked "They have a bond together that lets them talk to each other and let's them know if something happened to them" Ulza was smiling and rubbed his chin "It's only one in a million that this can happen"



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