I leaned back and smiled at him. It was true, I never really ate actual food, it has never tasted good to me. However when Xavier makes it, somehow it tastes slightly better.

"Alright fine, let's get cooking."



Emily sat in between my legs with her back resting against my chest. We had been watching a show called House but she fell asleep after the third episode. I know using her new found water ability wore her out, so I just let her sleep and didn't move. I lightly brushed her long hair with my fingers, for some reason that seemed to relax her.

I couldn't help but pay more attention to the sleeping woman in my lap than the movie. She looked beautiful when she slept, a true goddess among men in my opinion. However I also couldn't help to notice she was in short shorts and a loose tank top.

Her skin was pale like the moon and complimented by some faded freckles here and there. It was soft to the touch and smoother than silk, I reached out to lightly rub down her leg.

Emily stirred slightly in her sleep, but didn't open her eyes. I kissed the top of her head, I was going to have to move her eventually, I would never get to sleep sitting up like this and it was an hour past dawn.

I moved her hair slowly away from her shoulder and leaned down, hoping to lightly wake her with a few kisses. When I got to her neck however she moaned softly and I couldn't help the smirk that traced my lips. I forgot how much she liked that, I kissed her again, this time using my tongue as well.

"Devon" she whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it, still very much asleep though. I did it again a little rougher this time, lightly biting her neck. Emily moaned again, this time louder, her heart rate kicked up a few beats and she was starting to wake up.

I kissed her neck one last time, using my teeth and tongue, holding her tightly to me. She arched her back and gasped, I moved to watch as her eyes opened, the dark scarlet shade seemed to glow.

"Good morning sunshine." I said teasingly, although the look in her eyes caught me off guard. I was expecting a mean glare, maybe even a snack on the chest, but instead I saw a look of arousal, mixed of course with sleepiness.

"What were you doing?" She said a little breathlessly, I smirked again.

"Just trying to wake you up, you passed out on me." I gave her a quick peck on the forehead and began to try and move her, but she stopped me.

"No, you were doing something else." Emily whispered and turned her body to face me. She placed her hands on my chest as she leaned in to kiss me.

To my surprise there wasn't a hint of hesitation. Her kiss was hot and passionate and filled with desire. My fangs descended from my gums as I moved down to let her lay on top of me. Our kiss never broke, she ran her fingers roughly through my hair as I held her closely to me, one hand on her back and one on her thigh.

Emily moaned softly when my fangs lightly scraped her bottom lip, causing a small amount of blood to flow into my mouth. I groaned when she moved her leg and brushed against my groin. I put my hand underneath her shirt, digging my fingertips into her skin. However, suddenly she stopped, breaking our kiss and moving to sit up.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I asked worriedly, I had no intention of hurting her or making her uncomfortable.

"No no you didn't do anything, it's just um..." Emily looked away from me, as if she were embarrassed. A light bulb clicked in my head as I realized what she was to scared to say. I sat up, moving so I could wrap my arms around her.

"It's okay love, I understand." I kissed her cheek and gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I've never done anything like this with anyone, I mean I've never even had a real boyfriend. I guess my hypersensitive senses and emotions are making me act a little uh, more confident then I am." I could see the flush in her cheeks, I knew this was difficult for her. I brushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear before speaking.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, I will never do anything to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. We will only do what you are okay with." She met my gaze and gave me a small smile, placing a peck on my lips.

"Thank you." Emily whispered and wrapped her arms around my shoulders to hug me tightly.

"Do you want to go back to sleep now?" I said softly and she mumbled a 'yes please' before unwrapping herself from me and laying down.

I laid down next to her, wrapping one arm around her waist as she moved to press her back against my chest. I waited until her heart rate slowed and her breathing deepened before I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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