Chapter 10

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Gabby POV

"What does your husband know?" He asked for the fifth time. But I had no idea, it could be... no. He has no idea that I'm pregnant, I just found out at the hospital.

"I really have no clue." I said, preparing myself. Each time I gave him that answer, a knife would go into a limb. I was pretty light headed by this point, and if it kept up, I wouldn't last much longer. But he shocks me.

"You're becoming very pale Gabriela, could it be because you've lost too much blood." He said standing and walking behind me. I had no clue what was going to happen, the way I was tied wouldn't let me turn.

But instead of feeling pain, he begins wrapping my injuries. Every single knife wound is being wrapped up tight, effectively stopping the loss of blood, and possibly saving the life of my child.

"There you must feel so much better, but that is the only time pain will not be inflicted. Now please just cooperate, what does your husband know?" He says picking up a taser. I've got to think fast, what could I tell him that would be satisfying.

"He knows your story." I said simply. The one of his wife's suicide, the anger for us. He might learn it if they managed to figure out this guys name. Those records aren't sealed up tight.

"My, my story?" He says confused. Good, the more confused he is the better this will be.

"He knows about Ashley, your reasonable anger towards Chicago. He knows it all." I said quietly. Appeal to his delusions, that is my last resort.

"Finally someone gets it!" He yells.

"Brett!" A faint voice outside yells. His head shoots up and he walks over to the window and peeks out. All I hear is his sadistic laugh.

"Your friend just tried to save you. How adorable. Too bad her boyfriend got in the way of my satisfaction." He said annoyed. I silently lifted a thank you to Antonio for keeping her safe.

Guess I won't be dying, yet.

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