Your Name[Alice Color x Reader]-Kamisama No Inai

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A/N - Requested by KurosawaAzusa, an Alice Color from Kamisama no Inai x Reader with romance and slight comedy. And yet again, this is the first time I wrote this character. Thank you for giving me a challenge! I'm truly happy that you did requested ! 

Please come again and request!


A basketball enters the hoop perfectly before the boy with crimson spiky hair chased after the ball before going another alley opp. It enters repeatedly, no matter how far he shoots the ball; it enters without hitting the hoop. From the dormitory, from the veranda of your room, you watched the boy played on the basketball court opposite the dorm.

 It has been a habit of yours to watch this lone student practicing his shooting skills in the empty court everyday at 5 pm. He is a second year student but you never seen him around other than the basketball court. Students did say something about a certain spiky red haired with the most beautiful violet eyes boy in the second year. Apparently, the boy is very smart but also a very cold person and that he doesn’t talk to anyone in his class. He was also a lab rat to the Research Ministry. You wondered why. He has an amazing skill in shooting, why didn’t he join the basketball team.

‘He don’t look like he’s a bad person’

You once thought when you came across him once in the school garden.

It was raining heavily. Everyone went back to the dorm or run under a shed. You were lucky enough to have an umbrella with you since you went for groceries shopping and it was a bit hot in the day. As you passed by the garden, you saw a spiky red hair boy crouching down underneath the rain with one of his arms stretched out under the flower bushes as if he’s trying to reach for something. He was soaking wet from top to bottom but he didn’t care. He furrowed as he cursed underneath his breathe. At the last try, he smiled at something as he pulls something out from the bushes.

‘A cat…?’

He didn’t seem to notice your presence as he covers the small black kitten with his school jacket. Quickly, he ran in the opposite direction before disappearing from sight. Since then, he has been in your mind.

The second encounter was, when you were passing by the basketball court as you walked towards your dormitory. It was the shortest way to the block and you often used it. You knew there was no one using the open basketball court since the basketball team used the indoor ones. The sound of a ball dribbled on the ground made you flinched as your [E/C] searched frantically for the source of the sound.

There he was again, the same boy you saw in the garden the other day. You didn’t know he’s in the basketball team since only the basketball teams are allow to use the court both indoor and outdoor.  Once again, he didn’t notice you as he shoots the ball repeatedly. You watched him behind the tree.

The third encounter was, when you wanted to close the glass door of your veranda. It was raining heavily. Your ears and eyes caught a familiar figure on the court again. Even under the rain, he still practices his shooting. Quickly, you grab the umbrella at the corner and ran down to the basketball court, fearing the boy might get a bad cold if he stays under the rain far too long but by the time you reached there, he already left. The encounters kept coming as day by day, you saw him at the court. Alone again and again.

You told yourself you would be friends with him one day or so you thought.


It was in the winter, when it snows heavily. It was freezing cold. Even the multilayer clothes and coat weren’t helping with keeping you warm. Like any other day, you would watch the boy from the veranda but today, he’s not there. However, your ears heard something. A quiet mewl from a cat. Your eyes caught sight of a black cat you once saw in the summer. It gotten itself stuck on a tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2014 ⏰

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