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We look at society and what it tells the young and riot against it. We riot against the expectations that were programmed in us at a young age.
We look at what is expected of woman and men and speak of changing it and yet...... nothing happens.
Why is this??? Is it because we were all programmed when we were young and simply can't break out of these molds we are locked in? Much like the animal that can't escape its cage. But that can't be the case because we acknowledge it.
We look at what is programmed and criticize it, but how can we do this when we turn around and fling insults like a lover flings rocks at the window of his love.
We allow children tell other children "they throw like a girl." But when did that become a bad thing. Their are girls who throw just as good if not better then some boys, and yet we toss this phrase around like it's common knowledge, and allow it to damage young girls self esteems.
We acknowledge the fact that it isnt okay for parents to tell their boys to stop crying and being a sissy. To man up and be strong. But why is it such a bad thing for boys to show emotions? Not only this but once a boy is told they need to "man up" they are told they need to be sensitive and valuable to even be considered as "dating material." Their programming of being emotionless blocks from when they are young is now being contradicted by society. We acknowledge this but we don't say anything to stop it from happening.
We tell girls pretty hurts, but why???? What is the definition of pretty?? Is it long straight flowing hair, perfect make up to cover any blemish that they may have, and an outfit that would cause everyone to stop and stair just to acknowledge how "pretty"she is. And if that's the definition of pretty then why do young girls starve them self's or look in the mirror and think they aren't good enough when when they don't go through the daily ritual of looking "pretty." When did this become the norm of the word pretty. They are later told they are perfect and don't need make up and should be happy with they way they are. How can they when they are told constantly by society and magazines that they need to be prefect. They need to be the cookie cutter mold of "pretty" that was created along side the phrase pretty hurts.
We have standardized test with the expectations that all kids should know the same material. Which can be seen as reasonable. If they don't know the material then they aren't smart, right? By what society doesn't take into consideration is the fact all kids learn differently. They pick up on different information that may on not be on the test, but is just as important. Instead of learning, like schools claim to do, the students memorize what is going to be on a test and then forget it and move on to the next test materials. How is that called learning when they can't remember what they even learned a week after learning it. School stresses kids out telling them they have to get good grades so they will be prepared for the standardized test so they can get into a good college to get a good job. The School system hasn't a change from when it started. We all sit at our desks with our books out listening to a teacher who is teaching us the information in which society deems fit. Only this allows society to criticize the youth for not knowing things later on. But when schools don't teach you how to actually function in society how are we expected to know those things. You're expected to know how to pay bills and taxes, to budget, to be proactive members of society, yet we lack the training required to do so.
We expect children not to put the blame on others for their own actions, yet we come up with ways to put the blame on victims. We say that a woman was asking for it because of what she had on. Or that a man should be strong enough to fight off their attacker.
We are told it doesn't matter if you are dying inside to just put on a smile and you'll be fine. We are expected to hide what we feel and think as to not make anyone uncomfortable. We expect the people with the thoughts and feelings to feel uncomfortable and miserable and slowly die inside so they don't disturb the peace.
Society expects a lot and all of it is contradicting so why has nothing changed? Why is it rioted against but has yet change? Why do we not break out of our cages and fight against these expectations like a rabid animal fights against the bars holding it back? Are we waiting and letting time pass so that the next generation can take on these expectations and drown like the youth is today because already teenagers who attend school have more stress then mental patients in the 1950s because of all these expectations... and waiting will just make it worse. But we acknowledge it so that fixes it, right?

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