Sonorous | Chapter 21

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Three weeks.

It had taken you three weeks until you went back to school, your dark under eyes prominent on your, in contrast, rather pale complexion, compared to your usual skin colour. That morning, the morning of your first "normal" school day after weeks of just staying in your room, barricading yourself, you had chosen your favourite pullover, feeling the need to wear something comfortable and comforting, rather than something pretty. You didn't tell your mom, but it was actually one of Taehyung's pullovers. He gave it to you the day he kissed you for the first time.

The moment you had entered school that morning, it was as if the stares of the people around you absorbed all the energy that was left in you. It was obvious that they, of course, too, thought that Taehyung had forced you to come with him, and that you now had some kind of psychological trauma because of it. It hurt you, knowing that they assumed that he was some kind of monster, a horrible person, an abuser. He was none of that, and you knew. That's why you just went with it, not really bothering to talk to anyone except for a small conversation you had with Nicole. She had told you about how the boys had been, and it wasn't hard to tell that she, too, tried to handle you as if you were made out of the thinnest glass in the world and would break as soon as she said one wrong word.

Your first period wasn't much better. You of course didn't really pay a lot of attention, your gaze constantly wandering towards the windows, through which the nearing sunrise was made obvious by the various cloud formatations being covered by a seemingly silky cover of pink and orange hues. But even without you putting your focus on the lesson itself, it was easy to notice that even the teacher tried her best at trying not to look at you every time she let her eyes wander.

The bell rang, and people quickly started throwing their pens into their bags, along with the books covering each and every table, and immediately closing the bag and throwing it on, before leaving the classroom side by side, some glancing at you along the way. You, on the other hand, just sat there, not really feeling like standing up and randomly walk around the building on your own. Sure, you could sit down with Nicole and the boys, they were probably worrying where you were already, but you honestly didn't feel like it. It would just be exhausting to pretend that you now felt better, because your 'oh so evil and malicious kidnapper' was now in prison and 'you were safe', when in reality, all you had done those past three weeks was cry and feeling horrible for not saying the truth when the judge asked you about what happened. Yes, you knew that it was Taehyung's decision to continue and stick to the plan, but you still felt bad for it. It was as if the guilt in you started to eat you from the inside out, creating a black hole that fed off of your own insecurities and negative thoughts and thus created an endless cycle.

It was 9 a.m. by now, the sky started to paint itself in more and more colours, indicating the sun's rise was almost done, and the classroom now had a pink hue to it. Clutching onto the sleeves of your pullover a bit tighter, you let out a little sigh and finally pulled your gaze away from the window. You pinned a loose strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear and started to now pack your bag aswell, when suddenly, the door to the classroom opened. Afraid that it might be a teacher telling you you weren't supposed to be in there, you were startled for a second and almost dropped the folder you were holding.

"Sorry", said a soft voice, and before you could even turn around, you knew who the person was.

Jimin came over to you with careful steps, holding one of his backpack straps with one hand. You hadn't seen him in a while, so it took you by surprise that he now had blonde hair. But other than that, he still looked like the boy with the soft puppy eyes you had met a few months ago. Still the same moon smile, stilll the same puffy cheeks.

"Oh, hey Jimin. Nice hair, I like it." You continued to pack your bag, trying to not have an awkward conversation for once that day.

"Huh? Oh, right, you haven't seen it yet. Thanks." After that, he just continued on standing there, as if he was waiting for you to finish packing. It made you quite angry, you assuming that he just wanted to tell you how 'sorry' he was for what happened to you, and that he 'wished he'd know how he could help you', like all the other people that had talked to you that day.

"What? Are you here to pity me aswell, the poor poor girl that got kidnapped by her terrible ex-boyfriend? If yes, you can go, I don't need you to feel sorry for me." But Jimin didn't respond with anything you had expected. You had thought he'd do something like leaving the classroom, or saying sorry, but instead, he just let out a laugh. It was short, but definitely a laugh. You looked up at him.

"(Y/n), I know he didn't kidnap you." The room fell awkwardly silent.

"W-What?" You just stared at him, eyes opened wide, not being able to move. Nobody, not even your own mother knew anything about what really happened, so for Jimin, someone who didn't even have anything to do with Taehyung and you, to come forward and just confess that he knew the truth, had seemed nearly impossible to you before that.

"I know that you went with him out of your own accord. He didn't force you to do anything you didn't want." Again, you didn't know how to respond. The plain white walls reflected the now intense orange and pink hues from outside even more, dunking the atmosphere into an even more haze-like state. You carefully stood up, your legs feeling like they couldn't carry you anymore, and lifted up your bag, ready to go.

"I-I really don't know what you are talking about. M-Maybe you-"

"(Y/n), I knew Taehyung. I may have not really had the best and most active relationship with him these past years, but during the time he got his diagnosis, I was one of his closest friends. And even though he has quite the... let's say uncontrollable anger, he had never hurt anyone. Never, (Y/n). So when I heard the news about him having... having killed Dean, I knew it had something to do with what Dean had done to you. That was a save way for me to know that he truly cared for you. Yes, it was also illegal, and he isn't mentally stable, but also completely out of character for him. Plus, I know that he was the one you had called to pick you up, and I also know that you never seemed uncomfortable around him. So don't keep up the role of the traumatized little girl, at least not around me."

You hadn't even noticed the few tears running down your face, but once Jimin saw you crying and pulled you into a light embrace, you couldn't help but break down in his arms. The tears just kept flooding out of your eyes, probably leaving big stains on his grey shirt, but you didn't pay attention to it at all. Your whole body was shaking, and the occasional loud cry left your lips.

"I miss him so much, Jimin, so fucking much." He just continued on patting your back and stroking your hair ever so slightly, trying to make you calm down.

"I know.", he responded in a whisper.

The sun had risen by now, warming up your back which was facing the row of windows, one of which was slightly opened and allowed the chirping of birds to reach you. Little rays of yellowish-orange sunlight entered the classroom from the outside, making spots of light dance on the walls. It was a Monday, winter of 2017.The early mornings were an indiction for the arriving spring, the birds a sign for new beginnings.

. . .


Please read the author's note in the following chapter. There will be a Poll. --->

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