Chapter 6. Wisdom with no limits.

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Etcetera waited practically a whole day on the bumper of the car for Jellylorum, her mother, to appear. As much as the rambunctious queen wanted to go and mingle with her friends or hunt just to chase something, she was determined to sit there and wait for her mother. They needed to talk. It was important. When Jellylorum finally did emerge from the infirmary, Cettie quickly hopped down from her perch and jogged over to the elder queen.

"Mum!" Exclaimed the queen as she fell into step with Jellylorum.

Jelly glanced over to her youngest offspring and sighed. "Oh sweetheart, can it wait? I've got a very sick princess in my care and I've run out of primrose oil."

"No mum, it can't wait, I've been wanting to tell you this for ages." Etcetera hopped in front of Jelly and placed her hands on her mother's shoulders. It was now or never, there was no point in beating around the bush. "Mum, I'm in love with Springdancer." A blank look appeared on the cream coloured queen's face, what was she supposed to say to that? Her only daughter in love with a queen?

"How did this happen?!" Jellylorum finally spluttered. Never had Etcetera's expression changed so rapidly before in her life. Her expectant happiness morphed into shock, she stepped back away from Jelly and stared at her in utter disbelief.

"The same way other cats fall in love, mum." She murmured, though it was good Jellylorum wasn't looking to her daughter in disgust... she was hardly looking at Etcetera at all.

"Darling I... I just don't think this is a good match..." Jelly said. The queen attempted to reach out for her daughter, but Etcetera stumbled backwards. The younger queen remained frozen to the spot for a minute more before sprinting away, tears rolling down her cream cheeks.

She couldn't believe it. Though she hadn't expected an overly joyous reaction from her mother, Cettie had expected a bit more than disbelief and avoidance of eye contact. Etcetera continued to run until she reached the entrance to Springdancer's den. The young queen collapsed at the entrance, sobbing, and moments later Dancer emerged with bewilderment plastered to her face.

"Cettie my love?" Queried the circus cat. The curly coated queen knelt down and pulled Etcetera into her arms. Hushing her soothingly and rubbing her back, Springdancer rocked on her heels waiting for the other to respond.

Etcetera finally croaked. "I spoke to mum."

Pulling away, Springdancer looked at Etcetera in the eye. "And... what did she say?" Cettie couldn't respond, her face crumpled and contorted and she began to cry again. "Oh..." Dancer's arms tightened around Etcetera and she placed a firm kiss to her head.

At that moment, two sets of footsteps could be heard around the corner. One pair light and pattering, the other heavy and confident. Springdancer glanced up to see none other than Sylvi and the Rum Tum Tugger. The young princess was holding her father's hand, but because of his immense height he was hunched over, since Sylvi had insisted on walking beside her father and holding his hand. As soon as the black and silver princess saw her friend Etcetera so down in the dumps, she gasped and let go of Tugger's hand, allowing him to straighten his back with a small crack.

"What's wrong, Cettie?!" Sylvi squealed, her innocent little kitten face full of concern. She tottered over to Etcetera where she wrapped her small arms around the queen's neck. Tugger also looked to his friend and daughter, he had an inkling of a clue as to what had made Etcetera so upset and gave her a sympathetic smile.

Etcetera glanced up with red and watery eyes, sniffing and gently patting Sylvi's back. "Nothing, little one..." She lied.

"No no, you are sad, daddy and papa always say that you should cheer up a sad friend." Countered the princess. "Did your mama get angry?"

Both Etcetera and Springdancer looked to the kit with furrowed brows of confusion. "How do you know that?" They asked in unison.

Sylvi smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I just know. Don't be upset Cettie, nobody can stop you from having your happiness, you can love who you want."

Tugger crouched down beside his daughter and placed a gentle had upon her shoulder. "That's right, we love who we want regardless of what others think. But darling, sometimes it can be a little difficult for individuals to understand, but we shouldn't judge them for that. Instead we've just got to help them understand that everyone experiences love differently." The Maine Coon then turned his attention to Etcetera. "Cettie, don't fret, Jelly will eventually open her eyes to see how happy you and Springdancer are together." Etcetera couldn't help but look up to Tugger in admiration, he had always been her childhood crush, she had idolized him. Now they both had loving partners, and though she never would have thought it, the Rum Tum Tugger was right.

"Thank you Tugger." Despite the tom not caring for cuddles, she leaned over and pulled the Maine Coon into a short hug.

"You're welcome, kiddo." He smirked, patting her back as he surprisingly hugged her back.


Two chapters in one day? Who am I?

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