Chapter 1. Peacetime.

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The morning was cool and the gradient of orange beginning to accent the sky transformed the blue of night to violet. Munkustrap, the leader of the Jellicle tribe emerged from his den and inhaled the fresh morning air. His eyes darted across the clearing to see Bombalurina and Angelo sitting in their usual spot to watch the sunrise. Discreetly, the silver tabby climbed a junk pile to begin his daily perimeter observation. It had been over a year since Old Deuteronomy had passed away and Munkustrap's estranged brother Macavity had been banished. It took Munkustrap surprisingly a while to adjust to his role. Everyone relied on him even more now, he was a young leader who was strong and caring towards his tribe, they looked to him to lead them through the dark times, Munkustrap was wary that he wouldn't be able to live up to Old Deuteronomy's memory, but the tom always had the encouragement of his family and the gentle push from his fellow Jellicles.

When the sun had appeared fully over the horizon, a small brown and grey kitten pattered out of her den. She gave a small yawn as she stretched her back before hopping down the car bonnet to the clearing. For a moment she waited and played with the fluffy tip of her skinny tail, until something shifted out of the corner of her eye. She saw something move in the shadows. Indeed, something did lurk, and it watched the princess very carefully...

"Who's there?" She squeaked apprehensively. Her eyes scanned the area, not quite able to make out a solid figure. "C'mon this isn't funny!" She whined. There came a snicker from the darkness and before the princess could react, another by the name of Sylvi leaped out and tackled her to the ground.

"Morning Athena!" She mewed brightly.

"Sylvi!" Gasped Athena in relief as she looked up to her friend. "You gave me a fright! Where is 'Prancer?" She queried as she glanced around.

"Ici, mes amis." Came the yawn of the tom-kit Rainprancer, he stumbled out of his family's den and joined the princesses. "Isn't it too early to be up?"

"My sentiments exactly!" Mistoffelees chuckled as he appeared behind Sylvi. The little princess turned to him in glee and held out her arms.

"Papa! Papa!" Her sweet voice chimed.

Mistoffelees crouched down and lifted his adopted daughter into his arms, gently nuzzling her cheek as he did so. "Good morning my darling, do you three have many plans today?" He asked, looking to the other two kittens as well.

Rainprancer was about to say no when Athena butted in, nudging the tom hard with her elbow which made wheeze as the air was knocked from his small lungs. "Yes! First we are going to play until Jenny calls us for breakfast, then we are going to go down to the stream to catch minnows. Then after lunch we are going to listen to one of Asparagus' stories," She paused to suck in a lung full of air before continuing, "And then we are going to play some more."

"My my, sounds like a busy day then," The new voice belonged to Cassandra, third in command of the Jellicle tribe. The Burmese queen stalked over and joined the circle, scooping up Athena into her arms and nuzzling her cheek to her daughter's. "And what will you be doing Rainprancer?" She queried, looking down to the tom kit.

"Going back to bed." He groaned. Though Rainprancer was only a couple of months older than the two princesses, he could hardly keep up with their energy and enthusiasm some days, he enjoyed laying-in late in the mornings, rather than get up at the crack of dawn and rush about. With a drowsy nod, the tom kit wandered away back to his family's den. The parents gave their offspring a nuzzle of affection before placing them back down on their feet, releasing them to go play, and then both Cassandra and Mistoffelees settled down to oversee the princesses. Moments later the notorious Rum Tum Tugger appeared at Mistoffelees side. With a charming grin he plopped down beside his mate, stretching his long legs over the edge of the tire, and the Maine coon placed a long sweet kiss upon the tuxedo's cheek. Once Tugger pulled away, Misto delivered a swift smack to his partner's chest in embarrassment.

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