Continuing Where I Left Off

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After the battle with Yoshimitsu, Leo continues the road to find the murderer. Not a moment too soon, he is deep in the city and is shocked at the state of it. Fires breaking out, people fleeing for safety, and tanks and soldiers going around causing chaos.

 Fires breaking out, people fleeing for safety, and tanks and soldiers going around causing chaos

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Leo: Man, this place has gone downhill. Where is everyone?

Just as Leo steps into the city, he finds himself surrounded by soldiers from G-Corp. Knowing what he's in for, he gets into his battle stance and readies himself for a fight. The soldiers are all moving in ready to attack, but Leo preempts their strike with his Baji Quan style. It doesn't take long to defeat all of them. He decides to go deeper into the city and see what has happened here. He suddenly sees a newspaper strewn on the ground. He picks it up and sees if it could shed some light, and with the first 3 letters he read, it shed enough light.

Heihachi Is Dead

He know that it wasn't of old age. But, he was probably killed by someone.

Leo: He must have been killed, but by who? Lars Alexanderson? No, he wouldn't do that. Alisa Bosconovitch? No, she's loyal to Lars and he wouldn't order that. Lee Chaolan? No, he stays away from all Mishima affairs from what I heard. That leads it down to only two people: Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima. Jin plunged the world into war, and I still need to find out what his true intentions are by creating this. Kazuya has been very shady, and I saw him last facing a mysterious demon at the G-Corp Building. Who could it be?

Leo is brought out of his thoughts when a lone tank car arrives and stops in front of him. He gets in his stance in case the driver is an enemy. His thought of it being an enemy subsides as a man appears out of the tank. It is the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu Resistance, Lars Alexanderson.

 It is the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu Resistance, Lars Alexanderson

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Lars: Nice to see you, Leo. I didn't know if someone would be out here with how things are.

Leo: You know how it is these days; adventure on every corner. But, for me, I only have one mission for now and it's to uncover the identity of my mother's murderer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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