Welcome to Paradise

Start from the beginning

They two Federal Marshals moved the big military guy to the three seats in front of her. The first sat down, and Sarah saw that, despite her expectations, the big guy wasn't chained or restrained.

"Sit down," The other one said.

The big military guy sat in the middle and the trailing agent sat on the outside seat, next to the aisle.

Conversation on the plane had stopped when they first walked on, but now it was a low buzzing murmur.

"I'm not a prisoner, don't treat me like one," The one eyed man rumbled.

"No talking," the one by the aisle snapped, his voice full of irritation.

The big man sighed and leaned back. "I don't know why you've got a bug up your ass, the Soviet Union collapsed four years ago, I doubt I'm on anyone's list any more."

"What did I say?" The one on the outside aisle asked, this time real anger flooding into his voice.

Sarah wondered why they were treating the man so rudely if he wasn't a prisoner, and why he was being escorted by the police.

"You're about two seconds from getting on my shit list," The uniformed man rumbled. "Keep it up, and you ain't making it the end of the runway."

"Shut it, Riley," The Marshal by the window said. "Man's not a prisoner. Corporal, that's enough."

Sarah was burning with curiosity as the men in front of her fell silent.

Up ahead the door was closed and the stewardess launched into the speech about how to connect the seat belts. Sarah paid dutiful attention, nodding at the right parts, following the instructions, and snapping her belt shut.

The mystery of the man in uniform was forgotten pretty quickly as the plane taxied and eventually took off. The g-force of the take-off pressed Sarah back into the seat and her stomach dropped as the plane almost stood on its nose for almost a minute.

Once it leveled out, Sarah felt better. After a few minutes one of the stewardesses stood in the aisle.

"Welcome to Hawaiian Airlines Flight 382, flying from Seattle to Honolulu. Our flight time will be approximately six hours," The stewardess smiled. Sarah listened to the whole spiel, thrilling at the fact they'd be at Hawaii at 3 PM local time and the weather was going to be a bright and sunny mid-90's.

Sarah had dieted all spring to fit into the two swimsuits in her luggage, had really pushed herself in her yoga class and on the track. She'd managed to drop fifteen pounds, as well as spend some time in a tanning booth so she wasn't deathly pale. She had her hotel reservations, already paid up, and couldn't wait to spend the entire summer on an island paradise.

Three long years of working toward her degree, taking summer classes to help her GPA, working at what on-campus jobs were available to save up extra money, living off of ramen noodles and the cheapest food she could afford. Her aunt, who was a school superintendent in California, had been proud of Sarah's devotion and paid for her  to have an entire summer in Hawaii.

Sarah dozed off fantasizing about Hawaii.


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Sarah woke up when the plane suddenly jerked, screaming in fear as she suddenly went weightless for a second before the seatbelt bit into her cruelly. There was another heavy bump, almost a thud, and the oxygen masks suddenly dropped from the ceiling.

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