The two walked out of the bathroom to see Undertaker sitting on their bed with Malakai in his arms giggling. Lorna smiled softly at the two walking towards them. "Adrian. What brings you by?" He smiled up at her. "I wanted my report. Also a sweet from you if I could. When I came in I didn't find you so I thought I'd take care of this little guy till you came back. That's careless of you to leave him like that Lorna." She fro before scowling at Sebastian. "Please do forgive my clumsiness." Undertaker got up handing the child to her. She placed Malakai on the floor and he began crawling around. She smiled softly watching him. She began walking to the door and the two men watched Malakai follow. "That boy is becoming too attached to his mother." Undertaker chuckled at the annoyed Sebastian. "It seems you don't spend enough time with him." Sebastian sighed. "How can I when I have to watch over her brother?" Undertaker began walking to the door. "Raising a family and working is always hard. Even for the rich. You'll have to figure out how to fit more time in for your family between the time with your master. If you aren't careful. Someone else may take your place." Sebastian scowled watching Undertaker leave the room to go after Lorna.

Lorna sat in the garden watching Malakai. She smiled brightly as he pushed himself into a standing position. She began clapping her hands excitedly and he giggled knocking himself off balance. She leaned forward scooping him up into her arms rubbing her cheek against his. She instantly snapped up looking around as she sensed someone near by. She stood up holding Malakai closer to her taking a few steps back. "I must say, your son is quite adorable." She glared at Claude as he walked out of the trees towards her. "It's awfully brave of you to seek me out here. You must be pretty desperate for a soul." He chuckled with a smirk. "Yes. It would seem that way wouldn't it? My master is dead no thanks to you. I've merely come for a new master. Come Lorna, form a contract with me." He held his hand out to her and she looked at his hand with a glare. "Are you kidding me? No. Why would I form a contract with you? I am happily married with a child. I have a servant and a brother. I am very much happy with the life I have. There is nothing to need a contract for." He dropped his hand in annoyance. "I see. Well then, I still intend to have your soul anyway. It would have been much easier to take it should you have come willingly." Lorna looked down at Malakai with concern before looking at Claude. Claude ran at her and she jumped back as he made a grab for her. She did as she could to try not to get her son involved. It wasn't until Claude had a hold of her son that she began to panic. She became infuriated as Claude pulled Malakai by the back of his shirt. Claude was quick to jump away and let go though as a giant scythe came flying towards his arm. Lorna smiled holding her fussing child close to her. "Thank you Adrian." He smiled at her as he walked in front of her. "I've told ya before haven't I? I'd do anything to protect ya." She giggled softly nodding. "Indeed." He nodded becoming serious. "Now go inside and get Myron for me." She nodded running off knowing he would be fine against the demon.

As soon as she threw the door open she was greeted by the two demon butlers who were glaring out the door. Myron walked out the door not saying a word while Sebastian grabbed her arm pulling her to him as he shut the door. She looked up at him before looking at the door. "Sebastian, Undertaker he-" Sebastian wrapped his arm around her waist making haste to guide her to her brother's room. "I know. I could smell him outside with you. Though I didn't sense Claude until Adrian stepped in. I'm terribly sorry for that." She looked down at Malakai finding him asleep. She couldn't believe he had fallen asleep in all of the ruckus. Sebastian threw open the door and shoved her in. "Forgive my intrusion young master. Please make sure she does not leave the room." He quickly slammed the door leaving and Lorna just stared at the door while Ciel sighed. "He'll be fine Lorna. Just sit down and relax." She frowned looking at the floor. "I understand your faith in him, but." She turned to her brother. "My question is, why would he lock us in here?" Ciel got off his bed walking to her. "To keep us out of the way. Well. You mostly. You tend to like to throw yourself into the mix of things." She pouted but sighed knowing he was right. He took Malakai from her letting her walk to the window. She watched the fight commence outside and frowned. She looked back at Ciel making sure he had Malakai. He narrowed his eyes at her. "What ever you're thinking Lorna don't do it." She gave him a soft smile before turning to the window and throwing it open and jumping out the window. Ciel called for her but it was all in vain. Sebastian's attention was quickly drawn away at the sound of Ciel's voice. Myron tackled Sebastian out of the way of an attack and glared at him. "What the bloody hell are you doing?! Pay." His attention was quickly cut short as well and the field went still as Lorna ran to them. Claude smirked at her licking his lips. "So nice of you to join us Lorna." Undertaker scowled at her. "What are you doing here Lorna? I told you to leave." She glared at everyone. I'm a demon too, and I've sworn to protect my brother. I'm involved in this fight." Everyone sighed but Adrian walked over to her. "You are also the target you do understand this?" She nodded looking at Claude who was watching her intensely. Everyone stood getting ready to begin their fight once again. Sebastian came from the side aiming a punch while Myron threw a kick at the same time from the other side. Adrian came ready and swung his scythe as Claude jumped back into his trap. Lorna saw this as her opportunity and ran towards Adrian. His attack made Claude stumble a bit as it had grazed his side. Adrian held his hand out to her which she quickly took. He threw her at a fast speed almost too fast for the naked eye to see at Claude. He narrowed his eyes at the two but his eyes widened seeing her reach for her hair as she flew at him. He jumped to the side too late as she pulled her little knife out and stabbed him in the neck. She rolled on the ground as she landed and tried to catch herself. Claude pulled the knife out panting in pain. She smirked standing up. "Hiw do you like my new knife? It's been soaked in the blood if an angel and then doused in holy water with a bit of poison added to it after." Sebastian and Myron looked at her like she was nuts. She reached under her skirt for her bigger knife but he lunged at her before she could grab it. Shs jumped out of the way but he was still able to grab her ankle. She fell back as he pulled tripping her. Sebastian ran at him but Claude picked her up by her arm holding her against his chest. "Admit that you've lost. I have one piece of what I've come for. Actually. She's much more delicious than the boy." She shivered in disgust as she felt his breath on her neck as he leaned down close to her ear. Adrian walked slowly behind the two letting Sebastian and Myron distract Claude. Myron clenched his fists and ran at him. Claude jumped back pulling Lorna with him and Adrian used his Scythe to stop Claude from going back any further. "Nice reaper. But how are you going to fight now?" He giggled as Claude looked over just as Sebastian had appeared beside him. "I'll be taking back what's mine now thank you." Sebastian gently removed Lorna from Claude's hold leaving Claude in a state of shock. Sebastian threw Lorna over his shoulder before taking a few steps back. "Lorna my dearest. I wouldn't normally tell you to do this, but we have others in our company. I want you to close your eyes for a bit. Don't open them until I say it is alright to do so. Will you do that for me?" She placed her hand on his back giving it a pat. "Yes. That's fine." He smirked looking at Myron. Sebastian's eyes began to glow as he began his transformation and Myron quickly caught on. The two demons transformed causing Claude to do the same. However, Claude found it quite difficult to do so. Undertaker laughed watching Claude. "Are ye having trouble I see? It's because of the Angel's blood that was stabbed onto your neck." Claude glared at Undertaker before shifting his glare at Lorna. Sebastian and Myron advanced Claude before using their abilities to torture him to death. Breaking bones and rupturing organs. A gruesome sight it was. Lorna was glad she had her eyes closed by the cries she was hearing. She felt Sebastian's dark ora fade and she relaxed. "You may open your eyes now." She did so but expected him to put her down as well. "Um, Sebastian. You can put me down now." He sighed dramatically with a smile. "Goodness me. I shall have to punish you for disobeying me when I distinctly told you to stay put. You've not only put yourself in danger but your brother and our child as well." Her face went red in embarrassment and she began slapping his back repeatedly. "Put me down this instant Sebastian! I demand that you put me down!" He chuckled leaning her more over his shoulder making her place her hands on his lower back to try and keep herself up. "You bastard! What the hell are you doing?!" Sebastian smiled at the other two with his kicking and screaming wife over his shoulder. "If you shall excuse us." Undertaker laughed watching them and Myron only sighed.

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