Just a Small Rant

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I honestly don't know how to start this, but I'll explain it to the best of my ability.

For, well, practically everyone who doesn't know, I go to a highschool which specializes in agricultural sciences. Its the best school in my area, due to the fact that its so hands on. We have tons of animals there, such as sheep, cows, pigs, lizards, snakes, geckos, rats, mice, ferrets, and etc.

Today was a normal day like any other normal day. I went to my morning classes, went to lunch and then, my Contemporary Issues in Agriculture class.

Now, this class is sort of like a filler class. I was enrolled into it because I- alongside a few of my fellow Juniors- had taken every AP and Honours class the school had to offer. Normally, I wouldn't mind being in a class like that. My favourite teacher teaches it so its perfect.

Well, aside from the fact that we share the class with Sophomores.

There's basically my four friends and myself. Only five Juniors in a class filled with twenty-five Sophomores. Totally unfair.

Regardless, that is not the main issue I had with today. Oh no. The main issue is the fact that I witnessed something awful that only the scum of the earth would have the heart to do.

I witnessed a group of Sophomore boys torturing a poor bearded dragon.

These boys were picking the little guy up by his tail, and dropping him back into his tank repeatedly (Note: This bearded dragon was very sick. He'd only just recovered so he wasn't exactly the strongest of the seven we have in the classroom). I didn't realize this was happening until my friend pointed it out. Me, being the animal lover I am, decided to get up and kindly request that they stop.

Now, I'm not the tallest person in the world- only being about 157 cm (five feet, two inches)- I should've realized beforehand that those boys wouldn't listen to me. I'm quite small compared to them.

Despite that, I spoke up, and they stopped for the time being. About half an hour passes and they're back at it again, yet they have a new person joining them. The female sophomores have even joined in at this point. They all migrated around the glass tanks, trying to force the two bearded dragons to fight each other.

Male bearded dragons greatly dislike other males. They are very territorial and will fight to the death to protect what they claim as theirs.

Seeing what the kids were doing, my friend and I were on edge. The substitute teacher had given up in trying to persuade the kids to sit down, having simply reclined in the chair behind the teachers desk. The kids saw that as the perfect opportunity to do what they planned on doing, proceeding to attempt to grab the sickly dragon and make him fight the much healthier, and larger dragon beside him.

My friend jumped into action, trying desperately to stop them. Meanwhile, I recorded the incident and took pictures, sending them to my teacher, who sent them straight to the dean.

Thankfully, the dragon was saved, though he is very irritated and in a bit of pain from being handled in such a harsh manner. However, the entire sophomore class was mad at me for taking pictures and sending them to my teacher. One of the girls even tried to pick a fight with me, pissing me off even more.

I don't know what's wrong with kids these days. How can you simply egg on one of your peers to commit an injustice towards a defenseless and sick animal? Its inhumane and it isn't right.

Honestly, if she likes animal cruelty so much, she should keep talking about me behind her back. We'll simply see if she still enjoys the act after I hit her in her square in her face. I simply stood up for something that was unable to stand up for itself. If being a good person makes me a *insert vulgar slang used for a female dog* then so be it.

Anyway, I just needed to get that off of my chest. It was seriously bothering all day. I know I did the right thing, therefore I'm hardly worried about the incident. Though, the other Juniors in the class said I should've just left the sophomores alone. However, I couldn't do that. If that animal were to die in my presence and I did nothing to stop it, despite having the power to do so, I would feel like scum. I would honestly be no better than those sophomores.

Hopefully, the boys (and girls) will be punished accordingly. I also hope the situation won't get too far out of hand.

 I also hope the situation won't get too far out of hand

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Some photos of the animals we have at the school

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Some photos of the animals we have at the school.
Well, except for the parrot. I went to an exotic bird store and she was so cute, playing peek-a-boo with my friend and I, I just had to share the photo.

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