he nods, mouth slightly parted as david pulls out of the parking lot

i wrap the seat belt around vardon and i, knowing it's definitely not safe, but david doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon

"did you mean that?" vardon whispers, looking up at me

i smile "of course, honey"

he smiles widely "that makes me very happy"

my heart melts as i wrap my arm around him, placing a kiss on his cheek, making him laugh

"that tickles" he mumbles

i giggle, kissing his cheek again

a few minutes later, i glance over at david, seeing his jaw clenched as he stares at the road

i intertwine my hand with his, resting them on the console between us

i squeeze it reassuringly, knowing he won't share his feelings in front of the guys and especially vardon

we arrive at jonah and vardon's house, getting out to visit briefly

i unbuckle our seat belt, letting vardon get out first

he crawls into the back to grab his bookbag before walking into the house, the rest of us following

"welcome, welcome" vardon's mom greets

i laugh, pulling her into a hug

everyone else following

"we can't stay long" david says, a fake smile on his face

she nods "i know, i know. you are a busy man david"

he nods, laughing

she walks over to me "but you have a good looking woman to look after you"

i giggle, both david and i becoming a blushing mess

"are you two, you know, together?" she asks, hopeful

we both shake our heads

she sighs "too bad"

"okay, that's enough mom" jonah says, breaking the awkward silence

"we should be going" david adds

she nods "okay, okay. goodbye"

"bye" josh, david, and i chime

vardon runs over to david, hugging his legs

david laughs, bending down to properly hug him

"thank you for picking me up today, david" vardon mumbles

david smiles widely "it was no problem, buddy"

vardon then hugs josh before running over to me

you're absolutely crazy » david dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now