Chapter 5

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"Avery?" I heard a voice walk into the women's room. I opened the stall door slightly to see Louis.

"LOUIS! This is the womens room!" I screamed at him, punched him playfully, then hugged him.

"Avie, Let's go,we already kinda played our game," He smiled.I glared at him for playing without me then I tried my best to smile back, but it was very hard.

"What happened out there?" He asked once we were outside on the cement sidewalk by the building heading towards their car.

I froze.

Should I tell him? I mean I already told Niall..maybe I should keep it with him.

"N-nothing," I stuttered. Nice dead give away, Avery.

"You sure?" He raised an eye brow to me.

"Positive," I tried to smile again. He slung an arm around me and took me to their car.

I had to sit in the back back next to Harry.

Oh. Boy.

The thing I  can't figure out is why? As simple as that. I can't figure out why he did it, does he still love me, and everything else.

I've been asking myself lots of questions lately that its starting to hurt.

I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. Maybe then I can be happy in dream land.


I woke up on the cement. I had no idea where I was, but I was cold and confused.

I saw a curly haired boy walk by. Harry!

"Harry!" I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

Then Niall came to my side, "Avery! Come on!"

"What about Harry!" I yelled back.

"Whose Harry?" He cocked his head to the side like a little puppy. What? He doesn't know his brother/best friend/band mate? could he forget?

"Harry Styles! Remember the one I am in love with. The cheeky curly haird boy with green eyes?" I did the same as him and cocked my head to the side.

He straightened his head back up right and stared into space, "I don't know what you're talking about," He said in  monotone starting to sound like a robot.

He just stood there not moving. I didn't even see his chest moving for air.

"NIALL!" I started to scream, but nothing came out again.

Then Louis came. He froze like Niall had, too. Zayn and Liam all did the same as well.

Then Harry came.

I stood up, "Harry none of the boys know you," I said looking him in the eyes while going in for a hug. He pushed me away, with lots of force that I fell to the ground. He pulled out something from behind him.

A hand? An arm? A body?

A girl.

He turned to her and smiled. She smiled back. He then kissed her and laughed at the same time. They....they seemed so happy.

I got that feeling that I had gotten at the laser place.

When you see your crush happy with someone else.

That little pit you get in your stomach like it isn't right. It wasn't right at all. They didn't even fit together.

I suddenly looked down and I had a knife.

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