Chapter Twelve

Começar do início

To be honest I was a little afraid of his wolf. Since the last time his wolf had taken over he had tried to kill me. I understood at the time but it still made me nervous.

Derek’s wolf let go of my hand and nodded his head. He went back to stoking our daughters hair.

I dialed my father’s number and after one ring he picked up.

“Dam it Clara are you alright.” My father yelled through the phone.

“Yes father but Lizzy she’s not.” I spoke with tears in my voice.

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked in a very sudden calm voice.

“We believe she is shifting into her wolf or her vampire we aren’t sure.” I said trying really hard not to cry.

“Tell me everything don’t leave anything out” He said

And I did. I told him everything from finding her and bringing her hear and telling her the truth of what had happened so long ago. I tried really hard not to show weakness to my father because he hated it but I was failing miserably.

As I was speaking Derek’s wolf grabbed my other hand and just held it. I looked up and he was still staring at Lizzy like he could make her better by thinking it.

After I was done telling my father everything I heard nothing but silence on the other end.

“Are you still there father” I asked getting a little worried.

“Put me on speaker phone I only want to have to say this once” He said with a rough voice.

I did as my father said.

“Derek can you hear me” my father asked

Before I could speak up I heard Derek’s wolf speak.

“He’s here but he’s in pain and I took over for him sir” Derek’s wolf spoke softly.

I thought my father would get mad because as far as he was concerned letting your wolf or vampire take over was a sign of weakness.

“Good Derek doesn’t need to see his daughter in any more pain.” My father spoke with such authority it amazed me.

“This is what I need both of you to do, bite her at the exact same time.” He spoke

“Why father won’t that kill her?” I said getting worried.

“Normally it would Clara but since she was born of both vampire and wolf blood she needs the bite to kind if kick start her change otherwise she will stay in the half form and it will kill her. Call me back if you have any problems.” He said as I heard a click.

I looked at Derek’s wolf and he gave me the nod. We both leaned in to her neck and bit down.

I felt her blood rush into my mouth and for a second my vampire rose up wanting more since I hadn’t been feeding myself right. But she went away when she realized whose blood it was.

Both of us let go at the same time. We watched her like a hawk and nothing happened. After fifteen minutes I was about to call my father again when all of the sudden she rose up from the floor and a blinding light hit the room.

Once the light was gone we opened our eyes to find a sleeping wolf lying where our daughter was.

She was so beautiful. Her fur was as white as snow with a little black spot right on her left hip. We both moved in to see it more closely and realized it wasn’t just any black spot but was in the shape of a rose.

As soon as we touched her though her eyes opened and normally a werewolf’s eyes are black but hers were the color of blood.

She was special and we didn’t think she realized how truly special she was. Her father was a royal wolf and I a royal vampire so her being a royal wolf was no surprise to either myself or Derek.

But what did surprise us was the fact she was the pure white wolf. They were only born in times of need or war. Which meant that there was going to be a war. We just had to pray that she would be on our side.


I slowly came out of the darkness to find myself standing on four paws. I was looking at Clara and Derek. I finally understood what everyone said about going wolf the first time.

I could see so much, hear so many things that was far away, and the smells I was smelling. Some of the smells were ok and I could deal with but some of them smelled bad.

I turned around and found a mirror right behind me. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was fully white from the tips of my ears to my tail. Then I turned around and saw the rose on my hip and I was confused.

I was about to say something when all of the sudden a voice was in my mind.

“Are you done looking at yourself cause Im hungry?” it said

The voice was beautiful but its scared the crap out of me that someone was in my mind.

“Who the hell are you?” I growled.

“Your vampire you idiot now feed me.” She said

I truly felt stupid.

As I was thinking over how about feeding her I heard my father speak up.

“Baby you got to picture yourself humane to change back” he spoke with such authority it kinda irked me.

But in the end I did what he told me to do.

I imagined my hair, my head, my body and the next thing I knew with a little bit of pain I was on the floor naked as the day I was born panting on the floor.

I looked up to see my father blush red and turn around so fast I was afraid he was gonna hurt himself and my mother running out of the room.

She came back a few minutes later with clothes in one hand and a glass that had red stuff in it in the other hand.

I quickly got dressed and took the cup from her and downed it in one gulp.

Both my wolf and vampire were very happy with the blood I just drank.

“You can turn around now.” I spoke softly and was startled because I didn’t recognize my own voice.

“Before I can answer your question Clara I need to know what happened after you left me with him.” I said pointing to my father.

I knew it was mean not to answer her since I was calling them mom and dad in my thoughts but I needed answers. I needed to know why I was put through hell.

Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora