Slumper party part 7

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Normal speech: "hello"
Yelling: "HELLO"
Special move "hello"
All Might talk "hello"

-After Jakes depressing Backstory-

Walking down from his room, Brandon says

Brandon: "Hey guys sorry I got to go to work you guys have fun and stuff at the mall later!"
Momo: "Wait a minute, when did YOU get a job?"
(still running out the door) Brandon: "Why do you think I was late on my first day?!?"
Jake: 'When did Brandon become the responsible one? Even I still don't have a job yet! How did he already get a freaking Job!?! Looks like I am gonna have to majorly up my game if I am to stay the responsible one in our group.'
Jiro: "Jake do you know what Brandons job is?"
Jake (sarcastically): "Sure I know, I was just looking at him with a surprised face cause I can. Of course I don't know what his job is, I've never seen him as the guy who has a job to be quite honest. True he works hard on most things, but he doesn't usually show up on time for anything. Much less showing up on time for work!"
Brandon (yelling from far away): "I heard that Jake!"
Jake (yelling back): "You were supposed too!!!"

Everyone starts talking, coming up with ideas of what Brandons job might be.

*TIme skip to an hour later*

Todoroki: "Sorry guys I got an appointment I have to get to, but don't worry I will meet you at the mall after."
Momo (after Todoroki leaves): "Ok, anyone else find it strange that Todoroki leaves an hour after Brandon for a similar reason?"
Jiro: "Well I think we should go find them, you guys are welcome to come along, it's up to you, but I want to find my Boyfriend!"
Jiro pulls out a dark hole card from her pocket.

Rest of Class 1-A: "When did you get that card, and will you be able to even use it?"
Jiro: "Of course I will, Brandon changed his cards so that I could use them, but he said that unless he was doing it, it is not a good idea to use it to teleport, so I am not entirely sure what will happen. I just want to find Brandon."

Suddenly an arrow of darkness hovers over the card, pointing in, you guessed it, a direction! Jiro hears a voice in her head, similar to Brandon's, that tells her to follow the arrow.

Jiro: "Hey guys, I think I figured out how the card works! You say who you want to find and it makes this arrow for you to follow. Then, eventually, you find whoever it is you wanted to find!"

Momo jumps towards Jiro, grabbing the card, asking for it to lead her to Todoroki, unfortunately for her, the arrow doesn't change directions.

Jiro: "As I said, Brandon changed his cards so that he and I could use them. Sorry, if you ask him, I'm sure he will let you use the cards Momo!"
Jake: "So I'm going back to bed now see you later."
Before he can leave however Tsu grabs his ear preventing him from moving.
Tsu: "No your coming with us your going to be a bodyguard for us."
Jake: "But you have Deku and Bakugo going with you."
Tsu: "Deku breaks himself using his quirk Bakugo would do more damage then necessary."
Jake: "Good points fine I'll go I got to stop by my apartment anyways."
Everyone then leaves to go find Brandon and Todoroki the search ends up in the mall
Jiro: "Wait why is Brandon in the mall?"
Jake looks to his right and notices a new store.
Jake: "Look a new store this is worth investigation." As he puts on his detective hat.
The group heads into the shop seeing the name which is Brandon's Bass.
Jake: "Oh ok I deduct he lied to us he's not just going to a job but started his own business.
Momo and Jiro look inside to see Brandon teaching Todoroki how to play guitar. Jake then kicks opens the door saying.
Jake: "SUP NERDS."
Jake is then encased by ice which he melts immediately.
Jake: "Wow frosty welcome uh?"
Brandon: "Come on guys I just got that carpet replaced."
Jake then leans down drys off the carpet then proceeds to touch it.
Jake: "You got some bad carpets these will go in a few days."
Brandon: "It was on sale give me a break."
Jake: "I can make you carpets if you want."
Brandon tackles Jake with a bro hug saying thank you while Jake was yelling get off me. Everyone else was just laughing at the two.
Momo: "So what were you doing here Todoroki?"
Todoroki just stood there silent as he didn't have a cover story yet.
Brandon: "Oh I'm just teaching him a few tricks he's been coming here for lessons."
Momo: "I wasn't asking you Brandon so shut up."
Jake: "Oh no they are becoming like us we need to use plan B."
Jake then throws a smoke bomb but Brandon catches it saying your not leaving.
Jake: "Damn it Brandon well on a serious note I'm going to do what I said earlier and go to my apartment."
Everyone: "You have one?"
Jake: "Yeah look outside it's that garbage can over their Of course I have one where did you think I live."
Brandon: "What do you think he lived with his parents if so you crazy."
Tokoyami: "Well before his story we thought maybe with but now we had no clue."
Tsu/Deku/Uraraka: "We are coming with you."
Jake looks at them and tries to come up with any reason for them not to come but Tsu grabs Jake by the ear.
Tsu: "Quiet we are coming."
She said this with a smile but Jake saw the evil behind and just nodded.
Jake try's to go back and yell at Brandon but Tsu grabs him and starts dragging him again.
Brandon: "So what now?"
Momo: "I still want to know why Todoroki is here and no you can't answer for him Brandon."
Todoroki: "I was curious on guitars and Brandon was the guy I went to."
Momo: "Don't make anything up and stop lying."
Brandon: "Don't bother because it's hard sometimes to tell if she has her normal quirk or a lie dedication one."
Todoroki: "I wanted to be able to play the guitar so I could sing a song for you."
Momo: "O-o-oh ok."
With Jake and the others
Jake is still being dragged by Tsu with not much difficulty as Uraraka used her quirk on him.
Jake: "Turn right and can I walk by myself now?"
Tsu: "Not until we get there."
Jake lowers his head they then stop in front of a door which Jake takes out keys and opens the door they walk in and Jake closes the door they all then walk in.
Jake: "If it looks like if will break please don't touch it and stay away from my fridge if you want to keep your hands except Tsu she scares me."
Tsu grabs his ear and tells him he should be nicer to guests and shoved him off so he go find the thing he's looking for.
Deku: "So what is it your looking for?"
Jake: "I'm looking for my key that seals most of my weapons so in the case that I would need to use them I can."
Deku: "You have something like that?"
Jake: "Don't Just have made it myself."
Uraraka: "You've said that a few times today your cooking was super good and you said you would make carpets for Brandon how much can you make?"
Jake: "I don't really know I haven't tried to make anything massive but I can make almost anything you've seen before possibly even things they exist in fiction."
Deku and Uraraka are stunned Tsu isn't cause she already asked this Jake then demonstrates this by holding out his hand and making a green rose and gave it to Tsu then he went into his room to get his weapon key.
Everyone then meets up at the mall with Tsu dragging Jake as he wanted to sleep but is forced outside.
Jake: "Brandon I'm going to severely hurt Roulette Spider."
Brandon: "How about I get Exodia or Zarc out."
Everyone was shocked he would joke about Zarc like that.
Jake: "Oh please they might be able to put up a fight with me but not for long and how many times do I have to tell you you can't do that in the middle of town?"
Brandon: "Until it actually applies to me."
Jake being to tried to care just accepts it they then continue to hang out after the mall they all go back to the mansion Jake makes dinner they all then go to bed.

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