Part 1

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Heavy breathing. She rushed through the tightly narrowed street of Whitechapel catching every breath she could take. Mary Ann kept on running and stumbling on her way just to get away from him. The jet black night swallowed every inch of her, and only the moon and stars can witness on, God only knows, what might happen to her. Tears came streaming down her face as she found herself stuck at the end of nowhere. Her whole body was quivering, palms sweaty as they tremble with her. And then his shadow came creeping up on the wall in front of her as she saw it. She slowly turned around to see the face of this crooked man.

“Please-P-Please! Don’t kill me—I-I’ll do anything you want just, please!” she pleaded.
He was the tallest man she had ever seen, he had an ironic nicely-combed mustache and wore a long black suit, and a long black hat hiding everything beneath his face.
“I will tell you a little secret, do you promise to keep it safe?” the man asked with his deep raspy voice.

Mary continues to shake as she hesitated to answer his question but eventually made up her mind for still wanting to live.

“Y-yes, what is it?” she asked with tears falling down her cheeks.

For a moment she released a deep sigh as she thought she was safe from all the horrors she had in mind, but everything turned even darker when the man furiously took out a long keen blade and within split seconds, she was lying on the ground, eyes still wide open as blood ceaselessly streamed down from her neck. The man stood up and looked at the sky as dark as he was, wearing his smile, his thin wicked smile.

“I am Jack the Ripper” he said.


The rain splattered endlessly along with the clay-colored sky. The weather calmed everybody, except Seraphina Roberts. She knew she had work to do, she knew it too well. Her navy blue, thick jacket dripped with the rain as she inspected the body of Mary Ann Nichols.

“Strangest case we’ve had so far” she said glancing over Martino.

“He left no evidence, guess he knows what he's doing” he answered.

Martino was a chief head officer and had been a very well-known one. He had done his works in a way no one would have. Seraphina continues to inspect the body, and it made her sick, not because of how the victim was murdered, but by the fact that she knew there will be more cases like this coming around.
The woman was found lying on her back, her throat was severely slashed and she was gruesomely disemboweled.

  "Jesus Christ, Martino we have to work on this as soon as possible. We have to know his intentions for this grisly murder” she said eagerly.
“He’ll pay for this eventually, when will you examine her body?” he asked.
“The victim was still a half hour dead, I shall examine her by 1:30” she answered.
“Alright, I’ll meet you later. I need to wash up a bit, I’m exhausted” he said, massaging his temples.

The body was driven to the Consolidated Building, and they parked beside the Chief Medical Examiner. When the cold body was transferred, Seraphina started working on every part of her body. Most abdominal organs of the body were lost, as if they were removed by a medically-trained person, which made her even more bothered. Her blood-coated pen continued to stroke as she jotted every information she can get, her past illnesses, health conditions and past medications. After she was finished, she asked for help to lock the body in the refrigerator. She kept her documented files, for the trial soon.
It was past 2 am and she hadn’t rest since the day before, she felt exhausted. She was about to remove her lab coat when Martino came.

“Dr. Sera, you wouldn’t like what I’m about to tell you” he said utterly serious.
“What is it now?” she asked.

He knew she was tired, and he was too but this is what they chose to work onto. Live for the dead ones, he knew it was crazy and sickening albeit undeniably true they have passion for everything they do.

  “Another victim, down the street of Hanbury near an apartment building” he said.

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