chaper 12: detention

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Diego's POV:

        "THEY DID WHAT?" I heard Dora's mother scream into the phone. Mr. ButtLicker forced us to listen to our parents reaction when they learned what we did. "This blows." Molly softly whispers at a low volume, allowing only me to hear. "My mom is gonna be so mad, i'll be grounded for weeks! This totally wasn't worth it, considering the fact that I'm in love with Dora, not you!" I shout, not thinking before i speak. "W-what?" Molly trembles, tears beginning to flow from her metallic blue eyes. "I-I didn't mean it! I swear!" "I knew you didn't like me. Its obvious you like Dora, your world stops when you look at her. I just think we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us. If you love her, express it. Make it known that she is who you want instead of messing with anothers feelings, causing jealousy and pain." Molly told me, as tears continued to stream down her face. "Jesus Christ- was that rehearsed?" Swiper asks. Molly let out a soft sob, exiting the room. "She knows she has to come back, right?" Dora suddenly speaks. She had been quiet since she learned that she had detention with me. I feel as if I officially lost my chance, and that everything i'd hoped had been shattered to pieces. She loved someone else, and I just had to accept that. The one person who showed a slight interest in me, I had pushed away. I had no one.

Dora's POV:

     Detention. I had a reputation of being a sweet, nice, innocent girl. Getting detention would crumble the reputation I had built for myself. My parents were crushed- no, humiliated  when they heard. I'm afraid this would actually kill my parents. As my mother shouted into Mr. ButtLickers hairy ear, I hesitated to speak to the group. I hadn't heard what Diego and Molly were talking about, as I was too focused on my parents, but it seemed to be in quite a heated argument. After coming back to full realization of what was happening around me, I watched Molly exit the room, frustrated. All I could spit out was a few simple words; "She knows she has to come back, right?"

Swipers POV:

     Dora spoke, but the sound of her sweet voice was nothing compared to her utter beauty. She was something else, and though I knew about her and Diego's past, I simply needed to make her mine. She was the only thing that made me happy, and I couldn't lose her. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, but I couldn't pretend that kiss didn't happen. She was all I could think about, and I was going to ask her to become my girlfriend. I was suddenly snapped out of my train of thought by Mr. ButtLicker shouting "ONE MORE PEEP OUT OF ANY OF YOU, AND YOU'LL BE CLEANING THE POOP OFF OF THE BATHROOM WALLS. Wait, where'd that ratty, red-haired girl go? COME BACK HERE!" he yelled, quickly waddling down the hallway.


what are we?//a dora and diego storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt