Lila and I visited every single shop there was and I realised how picky Lila is with her shopping and not to forget the almost fights she started by arguing over the price.

"That is unfair! Give it to me for half of the price." She argued with the shopkeeper over some antique cutlery.

"But ma'am I can not do that. This fine piece is all the way from the states." The wrinkly old man furrowed his eyebrows, probably questioning himself how he got tangled in this situation.

"Yes but I work in the castle do you not know? And this lady here is the King's future wife!" Lila exclaimed a little too loud and soon gasps were heard amongst the crowd that had started to form. Everyone was now staring at me with wide eyes and whispering in hushed tones.

"Is that so. Then I will make you a deal." The old man and Lila negotiated thankfully as I shifted from one foot to another. I did not like drawing attention to myself.

"Lila lets go now please." I pleaded and dragged her out of the shop and ran away from the crowd.

"Are you hungry?" Lila questioned as she struggled to hold the bags.

"Yes. And let me help you with those." Lila shook her head refusing to accept my help.

"What was that about back there?" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Oh that is just a handy trick into getting goods for free, I do this every time I come here."

"Okaaay..." I replied unsure. Lila sure was really crazy.

"I'm going to go get us something to eat, you stay here okay?" Lila scurried off in the direction of the food stalls without waiting for my reply.

Cool breeze was blowing past my hair as I enjoyed looking at the crowds. It was my first time out in the markets like this. My aunt really  was cruel for keeping me locked up and making me miss out on life. What I didn't get was why she felt this way towards me. What had I done to her?

I ran up the stairs to the basement door as I slowly watched light disappear. My aunt had asked me to retrieve something from downstairs and so I had come to get it. Little did I know she would lock me up!

"Let me out please! Let me out!" I banged continuously on the doors.

I turned around to walk down the stairs. The pitch black dark always frightened me yet this time all I had in my mind were questions.

A week ago I found myself in the room upstairs. I had no memories of living here though. It was like my memories had been wiped away. I didn't recognise this household. When I looked at the calendar, all I remembered was that my birthday was 3 days ago, 14th April. Everything was blank before that, why?

Unanticipatedly I was yanked into one of the streets. I tried to scream but a large cold hand muffled it. My face was whacked against the harsh wall which instantly created sting sensations.

"I found you eventually princess" A throaty voice laughed evilly as he tightened the grip on my wrists.

The more I struggled against him the tighter his hold got. "Oh give it up already. I'm going to enjoy this one." I felt his disgustingly hot breath in my ear and shivered in cringe.

Rule of Vampire King StavrosWhere stories live. Discover now