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"2. Ludus or 'Playful Love'.

The Greeks thought of ludus as a playful form of love, for example, the affection between young lovers.

Ludus is that feeling we have when we go through the early stages of falling in love with someone, e.g. the fluttering heart, flirting, teasing, and feelings of euphoria".

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Techno was once again at practice, as any other day. He was standing on the side of the field as he watched the team play, and acting as if he had any idea of what he was supposed to be doing.

Don't get him wrong, Techno loved football, he just wasn't very good at it, and he was certainly not good enough to be teaching someone else. He had two left feet, and he spent the majority of his days falling down because he had tripped, even if he had still been playing in the team before becoming their coach. The previous coaches used to hate him, as he could not kick the ball where it was supposed to go to save his own life.

However, Techno was not discouraged by this, he just had to keep practicing and perhaps he would get it eventually. After all, everyone else was doing it, why couldn't he do it as well?

He felt a hand coming down on his shoulder, and he looked to the side to see Type frowning at the field.

"You should be coaching them, Ai'No" he calmly stated, his face impassive, as if he was trying to hold in every little thread of rage he had inside for the sake of No. "You should be telling them when they are in the wrong position, and when you feel it's best for them to do certain tactics and stuff".

No chuckled awkwardly.

"Ah" he said, not truly knowing what to answer.

Techno was sh*t at this, why would someone ever think he would be a good coach?

Type rolled his eyes, turning to face No, pulling his other hand onto No's other shoulder.

"What now?" Type asked, as he stared at No's kind of lost gaze.

"I, uh..." he said, briefly glancing at the freshmen and then turning back to his friend. "I have no idea what to do".

Type stared at him for a few seconds, as No's heart stumbled inside his chest. And then he sighed, ruffling No's hair and pulling him into a hug.

No complied, as he loved hugs, and snaked his arms around Type's waist, squeezing tightly.

"You are lucky I love you, or else you'd have been off this team since you first joined".

Techno laughed happily as he snuggled further into Type, a warm feeling spreading inside of him. Type was harsh with everyone, but never with No. Techno was Type's favourite person, and he always made sure he was happy and wasn't in any troubles. Ever since their first year, No had depended on Type for basically everything; this going from football stuff, to engineering stuff, to family stuff. Techno knew he couldn't handle his life on his own, as he was a disorganized mess, but Type had always made sure to give him a little help, and he loved him for it.

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