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"1. Storge or 'familiar love'.

Storge love develops slowly. It grows out of mutual understanding, rapport, respect, companionship, sharing, and concern. It is a solid, stable, enduring love".


Techno turned his head to the side as he ignored what Type was yelling at him. From here, he could see the main building in the distance, where a few people were going inside for their afternoon classes. No was glad he had joined the football team on his freshman year, as now he was excused from some of them whenever they had practice.

No was in his third year of Engineering, with only two more to go. He wasn't exactly sure why he had chosen to follow this path in life, as he did not see himself as an engineer in a near future, but he was not opposed to it either, as he did not have any clue as to what he would have chosen if it wasn't this. Techno was still a bit childish, he realised, and he didn't see himself ready to be out in the working world anytime soon. How could he when he could barely understand half of his classes and spent most of his days either playing football or video games? There was still time, so he could deal with this whenever the moment came; this sounded like a problem for 'future-Techno'.

He felt a smack on the side of his head and he groaned, grabbing it with his hand to soothe the pain.

"... You are not even listening to what I'm saying, you little sh*t!" Type exclaimed, pretty clearly annoyed at his friend, who was pursing his lips and frowning as he stared at him from under his fringe. "The least you could do is listen to me, No. These freshman need a real leader, they need someone who can straighten them up, not let them have their ways every single time".

"But, Ai'Type, I don't do that. I don't let them have their way everytime".

Type frowned harder, crossing his arms over his chest and signaling with his head to his side. Techno looked at where he was pointing and saw two of the recently joined freshmen, N'Can and N'Good sprawled over the grass in the side of the field as they loudly ate a bag of chips. Techno grimaced as he turned back to Type.


"Hey, man, come on. You can't expect me to be able to control N'Can, he's a little devil. No one would be able to".

Type rolled his eyes. "You are not able to, because you have a soft spot with him and with mostly everyone on the team. You let N'Ae leave practice earlier because he had a date, what does that tell you?".

Techno looked down at his shoes, looking exactky like a kid who was being scolded by his father. Ai'Type was kind of like a big brother to him, though, as he was always making sure Techno was ready for everything and protecting him whenever he needed help. They were on the same year, both studying the same thing. They had joined the football team at the same time, but now that it was their turn to be the captains, Type had claimed that he did not have enough time for the position, so Techno had been placed with all the responsibility.

Bad idea, if you may ask No.

No was the clumsiest person one could ever meet, and he was useless at being the boss of anything. That was why he could not find it within himself to scold someone and always ended up with the freshmen stepping all over him, like N'Can was used to doing, and had to go to Type for help, who was certainly more strict and organized than No. Besides, Techno rarely got angry at anyone, it was almost impossible for him to be upset at someone. He was just always happy and liked for people around him to be happy as well. He loved happy people, and he loved being the one to make them laugh and enjoy themselves. Techno was convinced that there shouldn't be sad people in this world, and if he had to intervene to make that happen, he most certainly would!

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