Ch. 2 Friend and Enemies

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"And where do you think you're going?" A sinister voice said. I froze as I realised my greatest concern turned into reality. Except worse. It was Tyler with several friends.

"I'm going back to my room like I said." I replied.

"You don't leave me behind Y/N." He said as he and his group followed me.

"I already told you that I'm not interested. I have enough problems to deal with, I don't need you to be one of them." I said before I could stop myself.

"Let me help you with that then." He said as he picked up his pace after me. He grabbed the handles and dumped me out of my chair onto the rough sidewalk. They all laughed as Tyler folded it up.

"You want this back? Walk over and try to grab it." He said. I stared at him for a bit before looking around for something to help me get up. I managed to get my hands on a nearby trash can. I took a deep breath and tried to get up. It hurt and I struggled for balance. My difficulty to hold myself up with my arms seemed amusing to them. I took one step when one of the girls swept up my legs making me fall down hitting the back of my head. They all burst out laughing. I was over the edge in anger. I'm not as weak as people think. I grabbed a rock and threw it at Tyler hitting his shoulder. I felt a moment of confidence and victory when I heard him shout in pain. It quickly faded when he looked at me. His gaze sharper than knives.

"Shouldn't have done that." He growled as he stormed towards me. My fear took over and I started dragging myself back away from him as fast as I could. I felt a burning pain when he struck my face.

"All of you wait by the cars. I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't forget her wheelchair." He said before harshly grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the group and down the alley. I tried to scream but Tyler's hand muffled my voice. He threw me down on the pavement. I tried to fight back as he started hovering over me. His jaw tightened as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them down.

"Save your breath Y/N. You'll need it." He said sinisterly. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to free myself. He was starting to tense up in fury from my resistance. He started bending my hand back. The pain was unbearable forcing me to scream before he harshly wrapped his hands around my neck. I struggled trying to remove his hands so that I could breath. My vision was getting blurry and my ears started ringing. Tyler suddenly stopped when we heard a strange sound. It sounded like a demonic lion growling. I could see a pale green light reflecting off the puddles of water. Whatever it was made Tyler run leaving me behind. I dragged myself towards a corner and kept myself as low as possible. It was quiet for a moment. I could hear footsteps coming towards me. I didn't look up. I didn't want to.

"W-w-why can't you just leave me alone? You already took my chair, what more do you want?" I stuttered trying to stop myself from crying to no avail.

"Do you want my money now? Fine. Just fucking take it already and leave me alone!" I yelled between my sobbing breaths as I threw my money at the figure. I curled up and continued crying.

"Why would I want your money Y/N?" The voice asked. I looked up at the person in front of me. There was something off about him, yet familiar. My sobs turned into shaky breaths as I stared into his eyes.

"Are you with those assholes? Are you here to-" I said before he interrupted.

"No Y/N, I am not with them. I am not here to hurt you." He replied gently. Part of me said that the man in front of me is trustworthy, but the other part said otherwise.

"W-what do you want then? Why are you here?" I asked between breaths. He smiled as he slowly got on one knee.

"I want to help. If you'll let me." He said as he dried the tears from my face. I looked around. My wheelchair is gone. I have no way to get back to my apartment. I took a deep shaky breath as I looked at the man before nodding my head. He smiled before he gently picked me up. For a moment, I felt safe. But when he carried me out of the alley, Tyler and the others were waiting.

"It's looks like you have my toy." Tyler said as he pointed at me with a bat in his hand. My heart was pounding hard against my chest. I am trapped between my enemies and the dead end alley with only one person on my side. At least I hope he still is.

-Jason pov

"We weren't done playing with her yet." One of members stated. I felt Y/N tighten her grip around my neck as she started shaking violently. I normally enjoy fear radiating from my victims, but it was the exact opposite with Y/N.

"You should leave. All of you. Playtime's over." I said calmly hoping that they would get in their cars and go. The leader of the group tensed up.

"Give her back to me or you'll be another toy." He threatened. I was still for a moment. I looked down at Y/N and back at them. Ten of them and one of me. I sighed and slowly started to set her down.

"No. No no no. Please." Y/N begged quietly as she tried to keep herself in my arms.

"Shhhh." I replied as I placed her down on the pavement. The leader was quiet.

"Well, are you gonna give her back?" He asked as he swung the bat slightly. I could hear Y/N start crying as she curled up slightly next to my leg. I stepped forward until I was between them and her.

"Try and take her. I dare you." I said as my anger rose rapidly. The leader scoffed.

"Fine. Looks like we got a new toy to play with." He said before they all started running towards me. Fools.

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