| chapter forty-one |

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{Narrator's POV}

"This little lady has ALL of my attention.." Enforcer huffed out, the blood slowly trickling from his half mask. (y/n) stared hard into his icy blue eyes, she wouldn't let up.

Not to this asshole.

"I'm not gonna ask again." she started, "What the fuck did you do to Oblivion?"

Enforcer pushed his half mask down, the lower half of his face exposed. a tan like skin tone, his lips chapped from the exposure to the cold air, his smirk emitting more brightly as his lips pierced back.

(y/n) raised a brow, her confusion striking the man in the face, his smirk turned into a devious grin.

What the hell is this about?

"You both thought you were homebound, didn't you? Pity, Oblivion had such great plans coming. Yet, where is she now?" Enforcer walked closer to the female, her eyes not leaving his stare.

"She's six feet under. Such a shame I only had one more permanent game ending bullet, I would've used it on you~" he teased, (y/n) held her fun tightly to her chest, her fingers begging her to pull the trigger on him.

He took notice and laughed. "Ah, (y/n). You have such a spark in you, it's such a shame you're from earth, after all. We're nothing without a strong, independent-"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." (y/n) said coldly, Enforcer scoffed and continued on.

"Young, little lady like you. Drifty here needed a new partner, after all."

(y/n) looked behind her, her eyes begging Drift for this to not be true. He shook his head and mumbled quietly.

"He's getting into your head. You need to fight it baby.. for me."

(y/n) shook her thoughts away and clutched the gun tighter, her anger lingering like an almost contained wildfire.

"I can see the anger in your eyes, (y/n)." he said, lifting a hand up.

"You have no reason to be angered if you come with me, you AND drifty deserve that one-way ticket to freedom, away from this island."

(y/n) looked at Drift in defeat, her (e/c) eyes becoming more and more dull by the second. Drift held a hand to her cheek and sighed.

"After all."

the teens looked at Enforcer, his smile faded into a menacing frown.

"We wouldn't want to disappoint the Elite, now would we, Drift?"

The teen stared at him wide eyed, (y/n) and the others sending confused facial expressions at each other.

"Drift..?" (y/n) quietly asked, the male looked at her and then back at Enforcer.

"Ah, your secret is out now. Whoops."

John and Raptor exchanged glances, then back to Drift.

"It can't be true.."

Drift looked down, his head pounding in anger, though he had no recollection of what the "Elite" is, the memories seemed to be haunting back to his mind, fresh and clear.

"I.. I was apart of the.."

Enforcer crossed his arms. "Spit. It. Out."

"I was apart of the Elite.."

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